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It had always been super stressful, walking up the long flight of stairs to get to Amanda's apartment which was in the second floor. So it was no surprise when I bent down in front of what was meant to be her door to catch my breath. After getting back enough air in my air bags,  I pressed the door bell. We waited for about 2 minutes, but there was no response. So I just kept on pressing and pressing for about a thousand and one time while Kenneth watched me quietly until I gave up and knocked on the door. Kenneth came closer,  so that he was towering behind me like a body guard. A cool wind blew past us from the ventilation holes that patternly formed a wall and I caught a whiff of his scent. I remembered those times he wrapped his arms around my neck,  and made me rest my head on his chest. As much as those were good memories,  they also brought along with them bad memories. Memories of him hurting me and using me like I was some sort of toy. I cleared my throat, just as I cleared those thoughts from my head. He had hurt me enough, and I wasn't going to let his memories cause me any more pain. The door opened, and there was Chimamanda in all her glory I was so happy that it really was her house. The only problem here was that the ever smiling Chimamanda had a scowl on her face.
"What are you doing here?" She asked
"Not even a come in?"
"Why would I let you in? I hate her guts." She pointed straight at me.
"Wait a minute." She said,  the expression on her face very much like she had just successfully cracked a riddle that had bugged her for a while. "You are those people from the NEWS aren't you?" Her voice sounded so elated,  her lips were taken up to form a smirk and her arms were folded across her flat chest. That was a striking similarity between my Amanda and this. Apart from the fact that they were way taller than me,  both were manly. No boobs or ass,  or any sort of sign that they were female. Not even a ear piercing.
"You are the anti-universe"
"Anti what?" Both me and Kenneth asked together.
"Better come in before someone sees you." Was her reply. What bugged me was the way she said it. Like we were in some sort of trouble and that scared me.
  We finally settled in and before we started talking,  I had a good look at her house. Although the exterior looked so familiar, the interior seemed like a labyrinth that I could get lost in. The shelves and the flat screen television were put in the weirdest of places. The rooms were not where they were meant to be. It all seemed off.
"You guys are the anti-universe,  the NEWS about your type is all over, on the internet on TV and so on. Apparently, you all came from a different universe to infiltrate us which made our people who look like you go to yours. There are a lot of you,  roaming our earth and we have been ordered to kill the anti-unverses at sight" I thought that was dumb because if we were killed,  then how were they gonna get their families back. Then it clicked. They had been ordered to kill the anti-universes,  then why wouldn't she try to kill us. I spit the water I had in my mouth out and stared straight into the glass in my mouth it may have been psychology,  but it suddenly tasted funny. She smirked at me, the exact way my Chimamanda would have smirked if she did something stupid.
"I didn't poison you" she finally said "it's none of your fault you guys are here. Besides I need your help to get my parents back. They've gone too." She looked at me and Kenneth.
"How did you know we were..."
I nodded my head I didn't want to be called an anti-universe and I also didn't want to do the talking but Kenneth seemed to be occupied with what looked to be a pet fuzzy ball. It had a mouth elf ears and funny green eyes but no nose.
"Very simple if I must say. In this world, the three of us practically hate each other so it was just very surprising seeing you at my door." I nodded my head okay as Kenneth came to seat close to me, placing his hand on my shoulder.
"But it seems you guys are a thing in your world. I flushed at that and replied quickly  but nervously.
" No No, not at all. There is absolutely nothing between us." There was some type of glint that said amusement in Chimamanda's eyes, but as soon as it came it left. She shrugged and started talking all over again.
"After I watched the NEWS and I realised why my parents were not here, I went online." She stood up and picked what was meant to be a laptop from the dining table. It was fluffy and had no screen. Though it looked like a laptop, it only had a keyboard. I stretched out my hand to touch it, but she slapped it away.
"You  may be from another world, but I still don't like you." I raised my hands up in surrender before massaging it.
"Anyways, I surfed the internet and I found out that a particular scientist had been working on transportation to different universes and although the government already banned it,  rumors says he still carried on with it secretly." She started typing on the keyboard of the strange laptop, and on her last it began to open and close on it's own as it spoke.
     "Transportation to alternate universes. Professor Steve Alak partnered with both the government,  and Mechanical engineer Olumide David in experimenting the transportation of living and non living things to what they identified as alternate universes in 2018. But two years later, the government described such experiment as dangerous as there were no solid proof that there was even an alternate universe. And so,  not only did the government refuse to fund the project, they also refused to let it continue..."
"Stop stop" Kenneth spoke finally, trying to be louder than the laptop. But it didn't stop.
"It won't stop until it reads all of it's information out" the strange but familiar girl said so nonchalantly. Alak. I began to think to myself. That name sounded so familiar but I couldn't seem to place my fingers on where I knew it from.
Finally, after five long passing minutes, the laptop decided to keep shut.
"What did you want to say?”
"What year are you in this universe?"
His question was directed at Chimamanda but his eyes never stopped staring at me as the beads of sweat formed on his forehead. I knew were he was getting at,  I also heard it but I was so engulfed in my own thoughts that I only just realised it.
"2025 why?" Amanda asked with her eyebrows raised.
I felt it was all a dream as Kenneth spoke his words.
"In our world, we are still in 2020.

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