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      It wasn't my blood, I didn't feel any pain on my face or head. No pain at all that would result to bleeding. I didn't feel any pain at all,  just the sound of my heart beating painfully in my ears, threatening to  burst out of my chest. It wasn't my blood, it was Kenneth's. They were beating  us up, but since Kenneth was on top of me, he received it all except from a few kicks that I got to my side. I dared not cry, or shout at the pain I was feeling, I was not the one with a bleeding head, I was not the one with a terribly aching back. I saw his hand begin to tremble at my sides where they stood weakly and just like that, within a jiffy they collapsed, he collapsed. Fell on me as he knocked the wind right out of me. I didn't mind though, who was I to complain I closed my eyes and winced at the pain that it caused me.
       "Get up!!" One of the men said to us but we were unmoving still in pain and we laid still. "Stand up!!" He repeated with a harsher tone when we did not respond to his first command as if he was yet to realise that one of us had fainted, the other was squashed to the ground and in pain and the third? She was nowhere to be seen. I even tried scouting the area for a tall masculine girl, even straining my neck, but I saw her not. The weight that was on top of me was removed, a man carrying Kenneth up on his shoulders carelessly.
"You want to wound him?" I asked wincing at my own grammatical error. The other man not being able to tolerate the bratty attitude gave me a blow to my cheek as quickly as it came, I felt the metallic substance invade my tongue, and  taste invading my taste bud.
"I say stand up." He yelled in my face, now sounding like one of those brutal illiterate soldier recruits in my world who would beat up civilians for 'crossing' their paths, even stepping on their boots by mistake was crossing their paths. It was very difficult to get up, my ribs ached and my legs wobbled like jelly beneath me. It was harder to walk, my head hurt, I felt dizzy and I had a limp to my step. They had no plans on beating us any further so maybe they were not going to kill us, not yet at least and the person who was meant to help us was gone, Missing In Action. I couldn't cry, I wanted to but no tears would even slip out. I was weak and tired to even let out a sob. Maybe it was the thought of losing or getting killed that made me weak. The man held my arm in a grip and dragged me along with them. I didn't even know how long we had walked for but I was beginning to lose my grip on consciousness. I was dozing off in his grip. Bit by bit, I felt the darkness begin to swallow me.

My eyes snapped open, this was the third time I was waking up in a world I knew nothing about this time, it was scarier. I felt like a prisoner and by looking around, I knew that I was. I began to involuntarily recount my experience before I blacked out. The kicks and the blows and the blood. My body hurt. I decided to take in my surroundings to find out what exactly I was dealing with. Were the bars mad of bread or something edible? Or were they weak and the bed base strong enough to break them. Could I dig through the floor that would eventually turn out to be bubble gum? I was left disappointed. The cell bars were not edible but the usual strong iron bars that could not be broken by a bed base because there was no bed base or even a bed to lay on. The floor was cold hard ground that was stained with blood and had breaks and patches here and there. It was like the usual cells that were at home, that were usually portrayed in movies and books. Yet there was something different, something I had not quite taken note of even though it was the first thing I should have. I was not in a cell filled with criminal women who were bullies and very dangerous. In fact, I was almost alone if not for the masculine form lying on the cold floor, his back toward me and his face to the wall. Kenneth. I was so lost in my thought that I had not noticed him. Too tired to walk, and saving my strength for what this world held for me, I crawled towards him my aching rib slowing me down as I winced with every movement.

"Kenneth." I nudged him gently, not wanting to hurt him anymore than he was already hurt.
"Don't touch me." He snapped at me. He was awake all along? I was sure he  knew when I woke up but he didn't try to acknowledge my presence. That was to be the least of my problems though what baffled me was the anger and rage maybe hatred even that he used to talk to me, I could literally see them seeping out of his words.
"What?" I asked him
"I said you shouldn't touch me."
"Why?" That was a very stupid question I asked,  I knew exactly why. He was obviously angry with me, furious even. I was the reason we were here, in this situation. I was the one who made him trip. I acted like a brat and it may end up costing our lives. I was the reason he had so many injuries, the reason he was hurt.
The way he turned so quickly had him wincing in pain and as I tried to touch him, he scooted away from me his hand stretched out to stop me from touching him as he glared daggers at me. "Don't touch me." He said through clenched teeth. And as I dropped my hand weakly to the floor, he continued talking. "You are actually asking me why? You are the most ungrateful human I have ever seen. All I ever wanted to do was try to help you, all I wanted to show you was that I was sorry and I didn't mean to hurt you but no you wouldn't take a little help even if it meant saving your own life. Your ego is so high it doesn't bring only you down, it brings everyone around you down. Right now I don't even want to see your face, I don't want to look at you because when I do look at your face, I just want to kill you. That's how much I hate you right now Tonia" His words stung my heart, it felt like I was being stabbed over and over again and it felt like my chest was going to explode. He was right, I was ungrateful, I was a brat and my ego was dangerous but was that enough to hate? He hated me. That wasn't supposed to hurt me but God it did I mean I always knew he didn't like me but hate? A part of me kept on telling me that he was just angry but I refused to believe that part, taking his own words for it. Once again, Kenneth managed to make my heart ache but I said absolutely nothing to him, because this wasn't about me not at all it was about the both of us and how I had decided to put us in danger. I watched as he gently turned around to the position he was before, totally ignoring my presence and that was enough to let the tears drop again from my now wide eyes. I clutched my chest in agony hoping to stop the horrible pain that I was feeling beneath it but nothing stopped. The tears that I had thought had dried up from my eyes were now dropping down in full force, but no sound at all was able to escape my mouth. I crawled back to where I was once seated and I curled myself into a ball, allowing what he had said to sink in as I rocked back and forth the tears spilling uncontrollably.

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