As children
The idea of love is an image of Disney Prince
The hero to save the damsel in distress
From only a kiss shall the fair lady awaken
Cause of true love
Yet the idea of running away with your love
is truly breathtaking
It's not real
We were filled with stories
to save and protect us from the truth
We don't get love at first sight
We can't have fairies or animals help our chores
We don't have a fancy castle that awaits
We simply have the opposite
yet doesn't mean it's terrible
Just means there is pain & heartache
Eventually we have to open our eyes to the world
Accept that when the time comes
we have to say goodbye to childish things
And welcome the truth
We could have true love
We could have a house as big as a castle
We could have everything yet it would never satisfy us
The truth is life is a mess
But it's a choice to make it better or let go
Besides You
PoetryYou exist between the reality of who you are and the fiction of who you could be