Chapter 5: Revealed

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Violets POV

We sat in Louis's car as we were driving to his house, and I was SO NERVOUS! Because I just had to go and turn Clementine into a hybrid! And I don't no about you but I prefer my heart beating safely inside my chest, rather than being held in front of my screaming face!

After a long awkward moment of silence we finally made it to Louis' house. It was a huge, gigantic, massive mansion that has like 4 floors! (Everyone reading 😲),haha just kidding... (Everyone reading *sigh of relief* 😔) it has 5 floors.(Everyone reading *shocked gasps and some groaning in the background*😟).

We all get out of the car and walk inside, and as soon as we sit on the couch Clementine stands in front of me and I look up at her and her eyes were watery, like she was about to cry any second. "Clem, what's wrong are you okay?" I asked with pure worry in my voice as I held her hand. She sat next to me and quietly spoke, "Why did you try to run away Vi? I want to help you." When she said that it just broke my heart to hear her say that,... but it also reminded me that, 'she really does care for me, and not like *gags* Minerva ever did. She is so sweet, I could just kiss her!-wait we're girlfriends heh right.' I thought.

I crashed my lips into hers so passionately and full of love, and that is all it took to show her how much she means to me and cares for me as much as I care for her 'God this girl means everything to me!' I thought to myself "I am so so sorry Clem I wasn't thinking right, its just..." I inhaled deeply and got ready for what was about to come... a confession. I broke the hug and held Clem by her shoulders looking at her seeing her tear stained but beautiful face. "Okay Clem... I am going to be completely honest with you and tell you why I ran away, ok." I asked.

I got a nod in return In looked at the others and they were all thinking the same thing and nodded at me gesturing me to tell her the truth. I stood up loosing contact of Clem's soft, gorgeous, beautiful skin and the starry eyes that I could just get lost in-'-Jesus Vi! Get it together! Your going to confess that your a hybrid in front of your sexy hot girlfriend!' I thought to myself.

I cleared my throat and looked at everyone who was mostly nervous of how Clementine would react. "Ahem! Ok uh first I just want to say that whatever you do Clem don't get mad and don't break up with me." I said, she hesitated at first not sure what was going to happen, but she nodded and I could hear the others in the background gasping in shock as I rolled my eyes at them and said "Long story we'll talk about it later!" And they immediately shut up.

I started shaking and managed to speak up "Clem, I-I am a... h-hybrid." I said in a shaky voice 'Oh boy, here we go, get ready to feel the pain Vi!' I thought as I shut my eyes tight and tears threatening to spill out.

"W-what do you mean your a hybrid Vi,"said Clem as she got up from the couch to walk over to me as she held my hands in her hands. I sniffed as a single tear dripped from my eye and I didn't need to look in a mirror now to know that they were glowing. "She means she is a animal too, she can turn into a HUGE snow leopard." Said Mitch asa he stood up as well along did the others. I saw as Clementine stood there with her mouth agape as she loosened her hands a little from mine but never dared to let go.

"I-I... you-...WHAT!" She said in shock. 'She certainly was not expecting that.' I mentally thought. She put her hands on her face and her eyes were wide open. "Are you guys serious, because if not then I'm going to be pissed!" She shouted slighted the group nodded their head and I walked up to her and said, "and I'm not the only one." I said referring to her. "Wait so who else is a h-hybrid," she asked still trying to process what she had just been told. "My mom, dad, and grandpa." I said.

"What the fuck has this world come to." She said mostly to herself 'Oh no' I thought as I started to panic. "A-are you going to be oka-" "-prove it," Clem interrupted me she looked back at me with a slight smile and excitement in her eyes I was taken aback by what she said "W-what!" "Prove it to me, turn into a snow leopard." She demanded, I was relieved that she wasn't mad or disappointed in me, she was happy and excited and accepted me for who I identify as. Everyone looked at her then back at me with shocked faces and let out a relieved sigh. "Whew! Oh my god! You had us all worried there for a moment Clem!" Said Brody as she was panting.

"O-ok" I said I told a breath held it in for about 5 seconds and closed my eyes 'okay remember stay calm, and try to feel everything around you' I thought to myself for reassurance. I could feel my fangs starting to come in and fur starting to grow, I open my eyes and look at Clementine who is shock and I swear if she opens her mouth any wider she will literally ripe it open.

I can feel something around me, like gravity was just taken away from me as I was transforming, and by instinct I jumped up and landed on my two-oh sorry four legs I looked down and noticed the I had four legs with spots all over and paws with retractable claws. And my face felt different to it was warm and soft.

Clementines POV

'I CAN NOT BELIEVE WHAT I AM SEEING RIGHT NOW! THAT IS BEYOND THE MOST COOLEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY SIXTEEN YEARS OF LIFE!!!' I yelled internally, I was looking at my girlfriend turning into a snow leopard and Mitch wasn't kidding when he said huge, her eyes are light looking out into space. Their emerald green with some beautiful shade of purple and blue on the outside of her pupils. 'Heh funny it looks like their glow-Ooooohhhhhh so that's how the glowing thing starts! Gotcha.' I thought.

When she was done transforming she was a 5'2, 3.6 feet beautiful snow leopard.

"Oh... my... gosh," I said shocked with amazement in my voice. Violet looked down then back up at me and she was giving me a hopeful look in her eyes and lowering herself a little, looking her look slightly smaller, 'I didn't think it was possible but she just got fucking cuter!' I thought.

(By the way comment below if you want Violet to have some kind of powers and what should they be?!)

She went a little closer to me and everyone got closer to her admiring her 'new look'. I walked closer to her and petted her head, 'Whoa, it feels like silk!' "Wow!" I said with shock in my voice. "I know right?" Spoke Louis, "H-how is this even possible.

"Well it-" Louis started to speak but was interrupted by a knocking on the door. Violet ran into a room upstairs and hid. 'Damn, she fast!' I thought to myself. Louis went over to open the door and gasped silently, in the doorway was a man with messy brown hair and a beard that was long, he also had bloodshot eyes. 'Who the hell is he?' I questioned myself.

"Where is violet," the man spoke rather angrily and let himself in pushing back Louis, and looking around. "I-I d-don't know." Said Louis, I leaned over to Aasim and asked who that man is, "That's Violets father, and well it's not my place to say but he's... an alcoholic." He spoke, as I looked at him with wide eyes.

*crash* a crash came from upstairs making my heart beat fast nervously 'Oh shit! What happened to Violet!' I was internally panicking, Violets dad ran upstairs with us following behind.

"COME OUT OF HERE VIOLET! I KNOW YOUR IN THERE!!" He yelled banging on the door really loud. "NO GO THE FUCK AWAY!!" I heard Violet say through the other door. I pulled him back as the others held him back. He's eyes were glowing red and I took a step back from him as I finally opened the door.

But when I did.

Violet was gone.

To be continued...

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