Chapeter 10: sleepover

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*The wolf above is Clementine just to be clear*

Clementines POV

After we went inside Louis's house, I really wanted-no needed to talk to Violet. Questions like: how did you do this to me? Will I be like this forever? How do I control it? Can I tell my family? What do we do now?

Violets grand mother said one last thing before she disappeared into the stars, she said, 'When your time for powers comes, I will be there to guide you. But first you need coaches some who are intelligent, rough, supportive, fun, and the most important love. Goodbye for now.'

Then she disappeared into the night. 'Well this should be fun?' I thought sarcastically. "Sooooo... that was interesting." Louis said as we walk in his mansion and closes the door, "Well I didn't exactly expect to see my grandmother, who is dead-er-alive? W-whatever in the woods." Said Violet deadpanned and sarcastically. "Speaking of your grandmother Vi, why was she a white lion?" Brody asks, with a little sympathy in her voice.

Violet's eyes looked down to the floor and back up again and explained, "That is her transformation, she told me that she came here from the stars to help me and Clem with our transformations and powers." She said, I looked at her with concern, "I'm sorry Vi, it must've been hard to see your grandmother again." Said Brody, everyone looked at her with concern now.

"I-it was at first, but it was still good to see her again, and maybe who knows we'll probably see her again sometime." She said a little saddened, I went up to her and hugged her tight but comforting. "Clem?" "Yeah?" "Um... are you mad at me?" She said a little scared and hesitant, I widened my eyes and pulled back a little to look in her forest emerald eyes. "No, no of course not. But I do have some questions." I said, she furrowed her eyebrows and looked down, and quietly said, "I'm sorry."

"Violet, you have nothing to apologize for, you had no control over it, which is exactly why we are going to start training... tomorrow." I said determined, she looked up at me with wide eyes and a surprised facial feature on her face, "Really?!" She asked astonished, I chuckled, "Really, and I want you guys to coach us." I said pointing to the group, as they all looked at me like I was crazy or something.

"Us!" They all said in unison, "Yes, think about it Vi's grandmother said that we need coaches who are intelligent, tough, supportive, fun and loving. I'm pretty sure she meant you all." I said proudly.

Then all their looks changed from nervous to excited, "Wow! Ok! Yeah let's do that." Brody said, a little giddy, Violet spoke up, "Where are we going to practice, we can't practice here in your mansion Lou. Yeah sure it's big and all, but I don't think we would want to break anything." She said obviously, Louis rested his chin between his fingers thinking deeply before he snapped them.

"I know! Follow me!" He said before running into the hallway, we ran after him following closely behind, we ran until we came to the end of the hallway. "So... Louis how is this supposed to be enough space to train exactly?" Violet asked with a bit of annoyance in her voice, "Well my lesbian friend! This wall is actually..." he trailed off, he pushed on one of the bricks, and the brick came back out with a bar code thing, "... a secret passage." He finished off with putting in the code, pressing the buttons.

The wall made a loud buzz sound and the walls opened, and inside was a secret room. I stared in awe and looked around as we walked inside the... basement? I don't know but it's really cool!

"Whoa... ok Louis," Violet says, as she inhales sharply, "Why didn't you tell us this?! And why have you been hiding it?!" She shouted, "Relax lesbian! I didn't tell you because my dad said to keep it a secret." He explained, "Sense when do you keep secrets?" She asked, "Sense my dad threatened to take away my bathroom privileges if I told anyone." He said with a dead planned look on his face.

She sighs and shrugged, "Well it's still really cool, but why would you need this?" She asked, he responded with, "Just in case something happens, like a storm or tornado." He said, as we all sat down on a two small couches and four chairs in the room.

"So I just have to ask, when did ya'll two become girlfriends?" Asked Ruby, both our faces where red from the question. "Um... sense the f-first day." I responded, "damn! Talk about moving fast! Way to go Vi!" Louis said as he patted Violets shoulder causing her to hiss at him playfully. "Babe I'm disappointed in you," I started, Louis gave a sigh in relief and hope, "Thanks Clem-" "-you should have swatted at him too." I finished with a snicker, as everyone laughed except for Louis he was to busy giving me a Violet the death stare.

When the laughter died down, Violet looked at me with a worried and sad expression, everyone seemed to notice too as they furrowed their eyebrows. "Vi? Are you okay?" I ask taking her hand in mine, she didn't dare look me in the eye as I spoke to her, making me worry more by each second passing by in silence. "Violet talk to me? Look at me." I said as I lifted her chin up to look at me, I saw a single tear run down her face as she sniffed softly, "I'm s-sorry for getting you into t-this, I-I just didn't know how to control it." She said now crying uncontrollably, I hug her and hold her hand like our lives depended on it. "Shhhhh... Violet, I am definitely not mad at you. I promise you that." I whisper to her as she slowly start to calm down.

She breaks the hug to wipe her tears, I grab her face in both my hands gently caressing her cheeks with my fingers, and kissing her lips. "Ok, uh... I think maybe we should go to sleep, we've got at least five hours of sleep anyways." Louis says, as he gets up and the rest follow. I get up and so does Violet, she leads me out of the room upstairs into a bedroom. We both dress into our PJ's and climb into bed together. With my head on her chest and her arms wrapped around me, I feel warm and safe.

"Hey Vi?"


"I-I love you"

I shut my eyes tight waiting for a rejection, but I felt a pare of lips peck my head softly, then I looked up to see Violet smiling widely, "I love you too babe." She said, I felt my heart melt and felt a heat coming from my neck up to my face, as I smiled brightly.

"Good night Vi"

"Goodnight Clem"

Then we fell asleep, 'Tomorrow is going to be a looooooong day'

To be continued...

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