Chapter 10 Hidden Secrets From The Past Part 2

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As Gerald went back down to Earth to the temple where he found the eighth Emerald, Gerald is looking at the drawings showing how it is telling a story but he couldn't make sense of it seeing as there's not much lighting he decided to set up his equipment in certain areas in the temple and seeing as he's getting a good amount of light, he sees writings of where the rainbow emerald was he decided to translate it knowing that it'll take some time up in space colony arc Maria is seen holding said rainbow emerald not knowing what the emerald is or how it came to be her and Shadow decided that they'll wait till her grandfather returns she looked down at the Emerald in her hand and starts interacting with the newborn within.

Maria: I wonder how you got in there little one and how there is an eighth Emerald.

Shadow walks in and hears what she was talking about.

Shadow: I'm sure we'll find out once the professor finds out anything come on Maria dinner is ready.

Maria: Ok so Shadow any Idea on what you want to name the little one.

Shadow looked at her surprised and confused at how quickly she got attached to it in a short amount of time as he was caught off guard.

Shadow: I don't know actually..... You already gotten attached to the little one already.

Maria: Yeah I guess I have it been inside the temple for a long time maybe even longer than that if grandfather said that he found it in an ancient temple but we don't even know for how long.

Shadow: That's understandable seeing as that there was no one there it couldn't hurt for the professor to look into it maybe he'll find out something....... 

Maria: You're right well I wonder what the eighth Emerald is well once Grandfather finds out maybe we can give it a name by the time that happens why don't we come up with some names for the little one I feel that there might be something special about it.

Shadow smiles and nod Maria goes to eat dinner as she holds the rainbow Emerald in her hand as Maria and Shadow ate dinner Maria was wondering what the gender is for the baby she wondered if Shadow thought the same he agrees as well they finished eating and interacted with the child that's inside the Emerald as it got late they slept and went to sleep.

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