Zim steals clothes again, wth man this is the third time

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Art by @sakiowicz
The figure stepped cautiously as it slunk by the snoring clone swaddled in red blankets amidst poster and cork board plastered walls. The floor beneath the figure creaked loudly and they froze, their pulse racing, almost forgetting to breathe, eye glued to Dib Membrane. He didn't stir and the figure continued to the closet in the room where a rainbow flag hung quietly. Their prize was right there, they could smell how it was ripe for the taking, the stink of Dib wafting from the already twice worn hoodie. The figure reached out with three clawed hands and pulled the sweater delicately off the hanger. They held it close and sighed blissfully. Before retreating out the window with a click of the lock on their way out.

Dib couldn't find it. It was right there in his closet last night, the sweater his dad had got him for his birthday last year. It was his favorite as it had an image of several cryptids in a detailed style. And it was missing, Dib couldn't have lost it, he had been wearing it all morning during the past two days and hanging it up every night to sleep, but it had mysteriously disappeared. Dib had already combed his closet, dresser and floor for it with no luck and had even asked Gaz if she'd seen it or tossed it in the laundry. She gave him a simple answer before turning back to her game.
"Check your cameras dumbass."
Of course, he thought to himself, he had cameras set up in his room to catch any meddling done to his research or belongings. However he would have to check them after school because Gaz wouldn't wait any longer, and she couldn't walk alone. Well she could, but their father would probably have a panic attack if he knew his baby girl was walking alone in the streets. That and also Gaz naturally warded off unwanted attention so Dib could walk to school without being attacked or ridiculed... aside from anything Gaz could do.

Zim shut his locker and adjusted the hood of the sweater engulfing his body, it was a risky choice to wear the spoils of war so soon after his success but Irk it was comfortable and Zim couldn't bear taking it off this morning after wearing it the lab all night. The smell was too intoxicating and the feel of soft fabric on his bare skin was practically euphoric. Zim pulled his history textbook from his pak and make his way to history. History was a good class, it taught him lots about the past of the earth and it's weaknesses, that and Dib was in that block period.
Entering the classroom Dib glared at him then immediately his face took on a look of pure shock. Zim smiled weakly at him and paced quickly to his seat, book held tight to his chest with gloved fingertips peeking out from beneath black sleeves far too big for him.

Dib was unable to look away from that bug, his mind grinding far too fast like an acutron watch, the sound high pitched from the fast speed. Zim was wearing his sweater. The same sweater he had been looking for, the one that was mysteriously gone-no stolen, stolen by Zim. Dib ground his teeth at how natural and comfortable the irken looked in it, resting his green check on the midnight sleeves when he grew bored.
It was infuriating how the sweater was so big on him and how Dib could see his green shoulder. That bug wearing his sweater, with nothing underneath, and the fabric almost reached his knees, damn it was attractive.
Dib turned his head to look anywhere but at Zim , his face ablaze at that thought. That stupid cute bug would be his downfall.

At his locker once more Zim turned the dial of his lock swiftly before a hand slammed to his left. Zim jolted and turned quickly to see what had made the noise, his stance immediately preparing to stand his ground and fight. Dib looked down at the Irken, his hand pressed against the locker blocking the alien from escaping.
"You stole my sweater you lizard, now give it back."
Zim flushed at the humans rough tone and how he loomed over him but feigned disinterest.
"The spoils of war are mine dookie Dib, so no."
The human only glared harder, pressing closer,
"Give it back or I'll rip it off you."
Zim let out an involuntary chirrup at that, his eyes growing wide and he slapped his hands over his mouth.
"What was that space boy? Some type of alien surrender?"
Zim averted his eyes from Dib.
"I should go... I have a class to head to."
He mumbled as he tried to slip away from Dib, but Dib grabbed his thin wrists and pinned them to the wall angrily. Zim squeaked, his face going blue and warm.
Dib was seething, he could feel the small puffs of air from Zim's quiet breathing against his lips from how close they were. God he was cute like this.
"You fucking moron."
Dib whispered before he joined their lips, Zim let out another squeak and squirmed his hands in Dib's grip but Dib held fast. Dib tilted his head down to deepen the kiss, Zim melting into the kiss and humming at the sensation.
When Dib finally pulled back, they were both out of breath and Zim looked so weak and alluring. Dib finally let go of Zim's wrists and pecked the alien quick before heading to his own class.
Zim blinked trying to process what just happened. He opened his locker, pulled out his books and made his way to his next class, touching his lips every now and then. He couldn't wait to see what Dib would do at their next shared period.
Alt drawing by me. ⬇️


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