Dib makes crepes for his boyfriend.

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Zim awoke from his slumber and rubbed his ocular implants tiredly, rolling his sore, bitten, and bruised shoulders he  grabbed a hoodie from the closet. He pulled on the hoodie and trudged to the elevator. The ride was smooth and Computer was silent, when the elevator stopped Zim stepped out and made his way to the kitchen where Dib was humming while cooking something on the stove. Dib looked over his shoulder at the sound of feet on the linoleum and smiled.
"Good morning space boy."
Zim responded tiredly, sitting down at the kitchen table. Dib flipped what looked like a thin pancake and flopped it onto a plate with other thin pancakes, he then shut off the stove and pulled out a jar of Nutella and slathered it on each pancake, then adding slices of banana to each and folding them into triangles. Dib then placed the dish in front of Zim and sat down at the table.
"Tada! Crepes, extra sweet, just the way you like em. Thought you'd appreciate the energy after the night you had."
"No thanks to you."
Zim snarked as he cut into one of the crepes and stuffed a piece in his mouth.
"You literally knocked me into sleep mode."
Zim stayed as he leered at his boyfriend.
"Yeah, but hey, at least it was a nice evening?"
Dib smiled nervously. Zim are another piece before answering.
"It was nice, I'll give you that, and the thin pancakes are adequate."
Dib smiled and leaned over to kiss Zim's forehead.
"Anything in particular you want to do today?"
"I don't feel like working and everything is sore, so we can't go out."
"Movie day?"
"No mysterious mysteries, but yes."
"Wha? Zim! Mysterious mysteries is the best."
Zim turned his head away.
"It's either me or mysterious mysteries."
His boyfriend poured and slumped down, but nodded.
Today would be quite nice, a nice break from Dib being gone all day at work.

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