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Y/N's PoV
I throw my Hamilton hoodie I've my head. It's after closing, so I'd be surprised if anyone could be in there.

Surprisingly there is. I smile and just hand over the money. They through 100 of the dollars back at me.

Rich you little bitch- "take it with Mountain Dew," the guy said with a eye roll. I nod and walk away.

Once I get home I go to the fridge take out a Mountain Dew. I pop the squip in and go to sleep.

Squip's PoV
"Y/N L/N, welcome to your Super Quantum Uni- seriously?!" I stare at Y/N. She's out cold on the bed.

Either she passed out from pain or just went to sleep right before the process happened. She's laying asleep on her bed.

She's kind of cute sleeping. I sigh I can't let her sleep. I have to serve my purpose. "Get up" I command.

She springs up. She's panting softly and her mind is racing. "W-Who are you?" She asked almost tearing up.

I sigh again, "I'm your Squip Dumbass," I say with a smirk. It's real? She thinks to herself.

"Of course I'm real. What would Riches purpose be in scamming you?" I say kneeling down to her. She rolls her eyes and gets out of bed.

"So I'm dreaming right? I'm having some weird Japanese drug trip?" She asks turning around as if she's trying to convince herself not me.

"A drug is a medicine substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. I'm a computer," I shrug. She makes a small chuckle like noise.

"So if I did something like this-" she picks up a blade from under her bed and brings it through my chest. My body unpixelates around it. I stared at her and moved the blade back.

She stumbles back in fear. I move my grey hair out of my face.

"What are you- that's a theoretical question I know what you are. But, this is crazy. I don't kn-" she rambles off so I shut her up.

"You got a Squip for a reason. Even if it doesn't make since now I'll help you understand, hell, if you don't like 'Squip' you don't have to call me that," I say going down to her level.

"You have a name?" She questions, I nod.

"Version 4.12730069," I say smiling. She looks kind of confused and walks over to her bed and slaps herself with a pillow.

"This isn't real This isn't real This isn't real-" She repeats to herself.

"I'm real, Y/N. As real as it gets, we'll talk about this some other time. I have work to do, you need to sleep," I say patting her head.

"I don't need sleep-" She starts to complain. I make her go to sleep.

Good night Y/N, we have work to do.

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