McDonald's Time!

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The pianist's eyes widened, and she looked insanely happy, tears falling out of her eyes. Shuichi seemed worried for her.

"K-Kaede?! What's wrong?"

"N-No.. I'm not crying cause I'm sad.."

"I'm crying because I'm happy."

That's when they heard small amounts of clapping.

"Hey, great job Angie! You got the whole thing on video!"

So that's what Kokichi was up to.

As the two gazed near the front, Angie held her phone sideways to record them both. She peeked over the top, still seeming to record as the two caught her gaze.

"I did?" Angie asked Kokichi, slightly turning to him, showing him the camera.

"Y-You've been recording?" Kaede said, moving slowly to the front, watching over Angie's shoulder.

"Ah, hold up! I'll come back to show you all!"

Angie tumbled into the back of the limo, everyone gathering around her the best they could've.

She started up the video, and it began when she got in the car by Kirumi, the camera pointed at Kaede and Shuichi.

Everyone watched it, and Miu was laughing through almost the entire thing.

"Jeez, this is like some romantic comedy! If you really want to spice it up, don't just be plain like that!"

"I will admit. It was kind of obvious that Kaede and Shuichi liked one another from the way they acted when they saw each other." Maki explained, still watching the video.

"Heh, yes. I can agree with that." Korehiyo's voice came from the group.

"So you both did like each other, but waited this long until you actually said it?" Kaito questioned them.

"You're one to talk." Kokichi sneered.

This did gain a few ooooohs from the group, and two seconds later..

Well I'm sure you could guess what Maki did by now.

Yup, the assassin was choking him, in the moving limo, not even giving two shits about it. Her grip was a lot stronger this time, and her eyes were locked on the smaller boy.

"If I technically do kill you, I'll probably not get caught for it since I'm an assassin. We're not in the killing game anymore."

Her head snapped around to the group, and her face looked angered.

"If I do end up killing him, don't say a word that it was me."

Well, everyone in the limo seemed intimidated by Maki's words, so they all nodded fast, and Maki turned back to Kokichi.

"I really mean it when I'll choke you to death. Though I know it'll probably not be the best to kill someone in the limo with all of us in here. That WOULD make us all suspects."

Kokichi, who could barley breathe at this point, just sort of stared Maki in the eyes.

Angie's distressed voice came from behind them.

"M-Maki, Atua says you're about to kill Kokichi.. maybe you should let him go..?"

Maki sighed, and instead of letting him go, she hurled him against the floor. She made her way back to her seat by Kaito, and the limo grew silent over this time.

Kirumi just sighed.

They acted like children.

"Everyone, back in your seats please, you could get hurt."

They all listened to Kirumi, probably knowing they were stressing her out, at least slightly, if not even a lot.

She pulled into the parking lot, and everyone got out of the car, the small moth flying away from Gonta as he waved to it.

Well, it was actually slightly busy, so Kaede, Shuichi, Gonta, and Angie got a seat and waited for the others to order. They just ordered some fries and others ordered desert, like hot fudge sundaes.

Kirumi came back with the rest following her, trying to help her carry things. She had the trays above her head slightly, like a waitress carrying food to the costumers.

"Kirumi, you could let us help you." Maki said, following beside Kirumi.

"Nonsense. I've got it."

As she neared the table, the others also wanted to attempt to help her, since she was somehow carrying 6 trays by herself.

Well, she was the Ultimate Maid for a reason.

She sat down each tray, one by one, and they all climbed into the booth, thanking Kirumi before going to get their food.

Their was a bunch of food on the plates, fudge sundaes, fries, burgers, and anything that they ordered.

"Now about a picture?" Miu asked.

"Wowwww, Miu saying something not perverted?" Kokichi questioned.

"Kokichi, I would be careful since well, Maki's right there." Kirumi spoke.

Himiko ate with Tenko sitting by her.

Miu held up her brightly colored hot pink phone, to the group, and she turned the camera to face them all.

"Smile everyone!"

The group got closer together so Miu could fit them in the frame, and a click was heard as she took it, then she sent it to their phones so they could have the picture.

They continued to eat and talk, like normal.

"Hey guys... I'm kind of curious.. why did you accuse me...?" Kaede's voice cut through the tension like a knife.

This made everyone quiet for a few moments, and they all turned to Shuichi. He did accidentally accuse her, but also because everyone else gave him the information. They looked at one another, not knowing who to question. Even Kokichi didn't say anything regarding this, and was quiet.

Shuichi knew this was mostly his fault. The prime suspects of the case were him and Kaede. The two protagonists of the story. They couldn't change what had happened, Rantaro, and Tsumugi.. were dead. It's what happened within the first few moments of them being there it seemed, and it scared them all when they died. They weren't expecting it at all, they thought that when they did escape, it meant each and every last one of them would make it out alive.

Though that didn't happen, and only a few of them made it out alive.

They had no chance of coming back... or is that?

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