The Attack

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As the two parted, both of their faces were completely red. Probably Shuichi's was the worst out of both of them.

A single tear went down Maki's cheek.

Is this what love was?


Love didn't matter. She needed to do this, regardless.

The hood was over her face as she drew out the knife.



He didn't turn around in time, and blood was flowing out of his shoulder, the red color going through the clothes. Then again, Maki stabbed his arm this time since he moved.


"Hey! Get away from him!"

Kaede delivered a punch to Maki's chest, and it seemed to knock her out of air for a few seconds.

She ducked past Kaede, and quickly stabbed him in the chest.

Since he was already weakened, he started coughing up blood before falling into Kaede's arms.

Maki couldn't stand to see this. Maybe if she just ended his life faster, this would be easier. But Kaede's screams of terror had attracted more and more people.

She drew the knife again, and Kaede held up her hand.

"NO! P-please..."

"Take me instead. Save him, n-not me.."

Her voice was cracking as she spoke, tears in her eyes as she held onto Shuichi.

"Please.. give him help.. please.. I beg you.."

Maki almost seemed to stop, as she forced the blade into Kaede's right arm, making her grip loosen as she let out another scream yet again. That's when the hood blew back.

Her identity was revealed.

"M-Maki.. M-Maki.."

"I-I.. I deserve death.. don't I.. I'm stupid.. for taking this mission!"

Maki threw the knife off the balcony, and bursted put into tears. When she opened her eyes again, she started crying more forcefully. Kaede and Shuichi were both covered in blood, Shuichi barley hanging onto life at this point. With her shaky voice, Kaede yelled.


People pushed Maki away from them, and took Shuichi from Kaede's weakened arms. She began to follow after him as fast as she could.

At this time, Angie, Miu, Tenko, and Tsumugi were rushing into the building to see what had happened. When Tenko saw Shuichi with blood covering him, and Kaede with a bloody arm, she knew something was wrong. She forced herself up to them.


Angie, Miu, and Tsumugi ran after Tenko's distressed yells.

Miu gagged, Tsumugi let out a yell, and Angie covered her mouth.

Meanwhile, Maki sat alone on the rooftop, looking down at her hands.

You.. ruined it. You killed someone important Maki. For what? A few hundred dollars? Are you really that selfish?

Yes you are. You don't deserve friends.

No one loves you.

Alone, she kept crying and screaming her heart out, letting the pain from within her leave in a cruel and twisted form.

Just then, she heard someone else on the roof with her.

"M-Maki roll..?"

She turned around to see who it was, and standing on the roof was Kaito.

Tears were down her face, blood on her clothes and hands.


Before she could say anything else, Kaito ran up to her and gave her a huge hug.

"It's okay.. it's not your fault."

Maki didn't even respond, all she did was cry again. The tears seeming to never stop as she held onto him.

"I-I killed Shuichi.. I hurt Kaede.. how could I be so selfish..?"

"M-Maki.. I know you're doing it for the orphanage.. you told me that.. it's not your fault.. you're not a cruel person.."


"Did you get hurt too?"

"A-A little..."

"Well, we'll get that taken care of Maki Roll."

He picked up the frail girl in his arms, who was still crying over the sound of the soft rain that had began to fall as he carried her out of the restaurant.

Sirens were blazing and bright lights were outside.

He ignored those, and had already gotten her and himself in his car before driving off to the same hospital that Kaede and Shuichi were in.




The blue haired boy looked up from where he was. He was in a hospital bed, an iv sticking out of his arm, and bandages on his head.


The pianist's arm looked very damaged. Probably she wouldn't be able to play piano for awhile even if her arm was damaged. It depended really.

"Your a..-arm..."

"Don't worry about me, you're in a horrible situation Shuichi... you were stabbed and barley made it."

"I- why did Maki..."

"To be honest.. I don't know why she did that..."

"She is an assassin.."

"Y-Yeah I-I.. know t-that."

"I thought.. maybe we were her friends. I didn't expect that she would attack you.. and when we actually had our first real date and all.." Kaede spoke, with a small sigh. She had no clue Maki was hunting Shuichi down. Though, she grew curious.

What did Shuichi do exactly.. that made whoever Maki works for angry or upset? Surely, there had to be something that he did wrong. But what? She couldn't place it.

"Well you can get some sleep, it'll help the healing process."

As Shuichi laid his head down, Kaede pulled a chair over and sat by him with a small frown on her face.

She hated to see him like this, and to know that one of their so called friends had done this to them made her heart hurt even more. Kaede sighed before holding onto his hand, glaring out the window.

Maki and Kaito were walking through the hospital.

"So you really don't know why you had to kill him?"

"No.. but the orphanage.."

"It's okay, I understand."


"No problem Maki Roll, after all, everyone is bound to mess up at a point in life."


"Well you'll need to start to explain that to them."

The door to Shuichi's hospital opened.

And there was Maki.

You Saved Me?                            (Kaede X Shuichi)Where stories live. Discover now