Finishing up+Date night

846 18 15

All the girls joined in to give Kaede a hug, even Maki surprisingly, as Tenko snapped a few more pictures yet again. It seemed she was posting the pictures under "Akido_Kido." Her whole Instagram page was flooded with selfies of them all while they were helping Kaede get ready.

"Of course!" Tsumugi cheered, still giving Kaede a huge hug with her normal bright smile.

Maki eventually let go then glanced over to a box in the corner.

"Hey Angie, did you buy that?"

"Hm? Oh! I almost forgot the finishing touch to the look, along with the heels and shoulder purse, of course."

The white haired female ducked to where the box was, lifting it off of the ground and onto the bed. Curiously, they were all gathered around the box, and Angie lifted the top up.

"Ta-da! An assortment of jewelry!"

Kaede's eyes widened, and Miu took a bracelet, sliding it on her wrist as she twirled it. The bracket the inventor took was a hot pink and black one with tons of small beads on it.

"Dang Angie! How the hell do you have so much money?! You wouldn't let us buy anything to help you out!"

"It is because of commissions! As an artist, I do tons of work in my house usually and sell my work! Sometimes I stay up all night doing paintings and drawings that people ask me to do, and they can range in price depending on how much they've asked me to do. More detailed art work requires more money from them and such!" She explained.

((Angie's rich because I said so. She's not just a cult leader she's a RICH CULT LEADER.))

"So yeah, I kinda went a little overboard, but it is okay! We have extra jewelry incase of another event like this!" She proclaimed, as she then held out the box to everyone.

"You guys can each take a couple, I don't think Kaede needs them all-."

"Uhm Angie why would I need like 50+ bracelets-." Kaede interjected.

Maki took almost all of the black and red ones from the box, sliding them onto her wrists. Tenko took the green and blue based ones, Kaede took the pink and white ones, Tsumugi took the dark blue ones, Miu took the hot pink colored ones, and Angie took any golden colored ones.

"Can I uhm, get some for Himiko too?" Tenko asked as she looked through the box for red color based bracelets and necklaces.

"Sure! There's plenty even after we took some!"

Tenko smiled before sitting on the bed, rummaging through the box.

"Alright! High heel time!" Miu said, holding up the grey sparkling heels.

"You guys really went all out.. you really didn't have to do this.."

"Well that's what friends are for, right?" Maki questioned.

"Mhm!" Tsumugi said, in a high pitched tone. "Well don't just stand there, try them on!" She urged.

Kaede responded with a small bit of laughter, before taking the shoes from Miu and sliding them on her feet.

"Hey, they fit pretty well!"

"Maybe try to walk around in them to see if they fit for sure?" The cosplayer asked.

To be honest..

Kaede couldn't walk in heels.

"Uhm, yeah, sure!"

Most of the time when she did attempt to walk in heels, she would have to hold onto something to steady herself. Like a railing, or a piece of furniture. Maybe they had flats with them too? She would much prefer to wear those instead of some 3 inch high heels that she could possibly fall in.

Carefully, she began to take a few slow steps. Okay, so far, so good. Though as she picked up the pace, she began to loose balance and let out a small yelp as she tumbled to the floor, trying to reach out for something.

"I-I kinda forgot to mention I can't walk in high heels.."

Meanwhile, downstairs, the boys were still waiting on the girls upstairs.

"Jeez I'm just wondering what they're doing at this point, it's been like an hour that they've been up there." Kaito said, flicking through the tv channels on the tv.

"Well, Gonta has learned that you should give them their time, it is a gentleman thing to do!"

"Yeah, but they have been up there awhile. They also brought two more people up with them, Tsumugi and Miu." Rantaro mentioned, turning his gaze to the stairs, as if expecting them to be done now.

"I-I'm sure they're fine, it's just like Gonta said, they take awhile to get ready." Shuichi commented.

Well, this was a problem.

"Crap, you can't walk in heels?!" Miu said with a defeated sigh.

"We thought you'd look all snazzy and cool too!" She continued with a frown on her face, as if that would motivate Kaede to try to walk in the shoes again.

"I've never been good at walking in heels.. I mean like I can do a one inch heel MAYBE, but not a 3 inch heel, that's just impossible."

"You don't think the guys will mind if we take you to the mall to get you shoes, right?" Tenko asked, twirling a red necklace in her hands.

"I mean, I think it'll be okay." The pianist responded.

"Wait!" Angie called out, before rushing to the group.

"Shuichi can't see how Kaede looks before the date, and he can't see how she looks either! This is a problem!"

"We can sneak out the window-." Maki began to say.

"Uhm, that may mean that Kaede's outfit is at risk of getting ruined, let's just cover their eyes when they walk down the stairs."

"That works too.." The assassin sighed.

Carefully, Angie leapt down the stairs.

"Oh hey, Angie how are you guys doing?" Kaito asked.

"Not important! We have something we need to do, so could you like, cover Shuichi's eyes?"

"Huh w-what?! Why?"

"So that you don't see each other's outfits! It would ruin this purpose you know!"

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