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There once was a girl who was lost and alone.
Who would think her best friend would reside in a phone?
She was isolated, lonely, had nowhere to turn.
One person to listen: was this so hard to earn?

One cold afternoon, bored out of her mind,
She opened her computer to leave worries behind.
She scrolled and she scrolled, "What game could I play?"
Quite honestly, anything, to brighten her day.

With the click of her mouse, her screen lit up blue.
"This game should suffice; II'm sure it will do."
Her choice in a server turned out to be prime,
for someone quite special had joined the same time.

The two became friends- slowly, but surely,
For the girl was never one to act too demurely.
As days turned to weeks, and weeks into months,
The two friends spoke regularly, almost always by lunch.

They would time conversations, which were sometimes quite long.
But the bond made by these two was unconditionally strong.
They talked and they talked, for hours on end.
What else was expected from the newly found friends?

At one point in time, the two could not speak.
"Why must that damn camp last much more than a week?!"
One night, anxiety and stress- how they grew.
What friends could she turn to? The number was few.

She looks at her phone, texting all those she could.
It is early, I know it. They can't answer; who would?
She scrolled through her recents, and up popped a name.
"I know I can't text her, but it's just not the same."

The girl sent a message to her well-missed acquaintance,
but it'd been half a month now, she'd just lost her patience.
"I'm sorry, you're sleeping; I just need my friend.
I feel that my stress has no finish, no end."

"No one can help me, you're my only hope left.
And with you gone to camp- ugh! - it feels like a theft.
I know you can't answer- they've taken your phone,
But I'm counting the seconds 'til you return home."

"I miss you, I'm sorry, I hope you have fun. 
But without you to talk to, there's nowhere to run."
Her thumb taps the screen with a comforting 'send'.
Their period apart only seemed to extend.

She pulls up her blanket and dries tear-stained cheeks.
"No-no. I can do this. It's only two weeks."
She closes her eyes, sure this night has been rough.
But the thought of her love for her friend enough.

Eventually, she made it. Her friend was set free.
She was filled with excitement, overcrowded with glee.
Things went back to normal, texting day in and out.
My goodness, her friend was amazing- no doubt. 

She had prayed for an angel to come set her free,
but she had not expected it to actually be.
Her savior was perfect. So humble, so meek.
"With all my strange quirks, she must think I'm a freak.."

But oh no, not her. She is not one to judge.
When fallen, she picks her friend up without grudge.
Yessir, I lucked out. Boy, I hope it's no dream.
If I woke up and realized it, trust me, I'd scream.

There once was a girl who was lost and alone.
Who would think her best friend would reside in a phone?
She was isolated, lonely, had nowhere to turn.
Until she found you. Was that so hard to learn?

November 2015
Thank you for showing me your light when all I could see was darkness. 

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