1 • Oh Hello

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Jan. 10

The new year is underway. With only a week until school begins, I want to make the most of my free time. And what better way to do that, than SHOPPING! "WOOOO!"

"Is everything alright up there?" My mum shouted from the kitchen. My face went red and I froze.

"Y-yes! Sorry!" I shouted back, getting dressed for my day out. A few minutes later, I found myself dressed in dark blue jeans, rolled up a little from the bottom, and a warm pink t-shirt, with white flats. "This'll do," I muttered to myself, walking downstairs. My father had to work early today, and mother had the day off, so she decided to look after the fort. "Good morning, mum!" I smiled, giving her a hug.

"Good morning, sweetie. You heading out today? Don't forget to get everything for your second year." She reminded me with such a friendly and welcoming voice.

"Muuuuum, you and I have already gotten that sorted out, remember? You took me to get it like 3 days ago."

"Did I? Huh, sorry, honey. Well in that case, have fun, be safe please." I let go of her and walked towards the front door, turning back to wave. "Be home by 6pm please!"

"See you!" I closed the door behind me, and walked happily to the shopping plaza.
Around me, I could see different people on their way to jobs; some were happy, some looked miserable. Some were taking their time, while others rushed. It was incredible how diverse people were.

Soon there after, I arrived at the plaza, and smiled. Everything was so alive and colourful, and- "There is so many people here.." I mumbled nervously. "Oh well, I'll be okay!"
I walked inside, but before anything else, I grabbed some breakfast.


After a few hours of looking around the store, my stomach sent me a secret code in the form of annoying noises. "Must be lunch time!" I said, walking towards the food court.
As I was walking, I passed a store that I haven't seen before, and naturally, it caught my eye. "What's this about?"
I moved closer, and realised that there was quite a lot of people in the store, but I went in anyway.

Inside, I could see all sorts of meditation statues and stones and scented candles. Everything one might need for meditation.
Leaning over, I began looking at a meditating dragon. I have NEVER seen this before. I might get it.

As I went to grab it, some people shoved passed me to go outside. From what I could hear, a pro-hero was in the shopping centre. "I wonder who it is?" I went to stand up straight, but bumped into someone. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" I closed my eyes and rubbed the back of my head.

"It's quite alright, ribbet," said a familiar voice. I opened my eyes, and she looked up, causing eachother to look into eachothers eyes. My heart started racing a little. Why is my heart racing?! I could feel my cheeks blush.

"F-Froppy! Hi!" I quickly moved forward to hug her, hoping I was fast enough so that she didn't see my cheeks. However unexpectedly, I was rewarded with a hug in return.

"Hello, Ochako. Long time no see." It was great to hear not only a familiar voice, but her voice. I respect everyone at UA, but they all sorta sound the same. So this was nice.
I stepped back, and smiled to her, in which she smiled back. "What are you doing in a store like this?"

"Well, I didn't intend to come in here. You see, I was actually on my way to the food court, but this store, being new and all, caught my eye."

"I was gonna head to the food court too. Mind if I join you, ribbet?" She started to blush a little. Cute!

"Okay! Let's go get some lunch!" I walked out of the store, and Tsu followed right by my side.
As we walked, a small breeze blew through the walkway we were crossing, and I could see Tsu's hair flow, her perfume now picked up in the air. She smelt, nice.
"That's a nice perfume you've got on!"

"Th-thank you, Ochako. I got it for Christmas from Tokoyami, ribbet."

"Oh- Well how cute!" I smiled, my stomach feeling tight. Does he like Tsu? Does she like him? Wait, why do I care? Why does this bother me?
We arrived at the food court, and looked around. "Let's split up and then meet here once we have out food, yeah?" I said before walking off.



Once we got our food, we met up at a 2 person table and sat down. My stomach was filled with butterflies. I couldn't quite figure out why, as quick as it was, this was bothering me. Or why I was feeling weird around her.
All through our first year, I always considered her a friend, and I thought I liked Deku. But, looking into her eyes, that seemed to change. Deku seemed more like a friend, and Tsu was, attra-

"Erm, are you going to eat, Ochako? Your food is going cold." Tsu said as she grabbed my hand. "Are you alright? You look a littke lost."

"Yes!" I pulled my hand back and began eating, and while my mouth was full, I attempted to speak. "I am okay!" I smiled. Tsu giggled, and continued to eat.

After some time, we finished our food and proceeded to go shopping for some clothes. As we walked along the large hallway, we found a fancy store, and went inside.

"Hey, Ochako, this dress would look lovely on you," Tsu sounded from a section near me. I made my way to her and saw she was holding a formal pink and white dress. "What do you think?" She passed it to me carefully.

"I'll go try it on!" I said, walking towards the change room.
After fiddling with the zip on the back, I stepped out, and Tsu was waiting for me. "What do you think?"

"It looks lovely. I'll buy it for you as a late present then," she smiled, pushing me back into the change room. I took it off carefully and folded it, before handing it to Tsu. Once she took it, I got dressed and left the room. Tsu came back with a bag amd handed it to me. "Merry late Christmas, Ochako, ribbet."

"Thank you!" I smiled to her, and she blushed, before looking around again.
I looked in a dress aisle, and found a green dress. It wasn't fancy, but it wasn't bland. It was cute.
I took it off the rack and walked over to Tsu, and showed her. "Here!" I smiled, handing her the dress.

"Want me to try this on?" She asked in such a cute way, I nearly melted. "Okay, I'll be right back, ribbet."
As I waited, I tried to picture what she would look like, and before I knew it, I could feel my cheeks burning. Get out of my head dang it!
"How does it look on me?" I turned around and saw Tsu standing there in the dress. Oh no now it's back in there!

"You look great, Tsu!" I exclaimed. She was glowing. It fit her body very well.

"Thank you, ribbet." She went back into the change room, and after a few minutes, she came back out in her original clothing. "Where did you find this? I don't think I can afford something so nice."

"It's gonna be my treat!" I said happily, grabbing the dress and walking to the counter. I quickly paid for it and returned to her. "Hapy late Christmas!" Although she smiled, she looked confused.

"Don't you mean 'Merry'?" She asked, walking out the store.

"That is exactly what I meant." I walked out of the store with her, and as I was gonna say something, her phone began buzzing.

"Sorry, 'chako, it's my mum." She quickly said as she answered her phone. "Hello? Yes I can hear you~"

She walked off and waved, a smile on her face. I waved back, and proceeded to head to the exit. "Maybe it is a good time to head home," I muttered, leaving the store with a grin. "I'll see you soon, Tsu."

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