3 • Tsu, I..

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It's been a rough rest of the day. Tsu has looked super sad since Deku interupted, and I have been constantly thinking about what she was about to ask. As the students all left to go home, I figured now was a good time to talk to her. But.. where was she? Did she leave as soon as the bell rang? Tsu.. where are you?

I stepped out of the class, glancing down both ends of the hallway. That's when I saw it, a single glimpse of her hair, turning a corner. "Tsu!" I yelled out as I took off after her.

Passing by, students looked at me,whether they were first, second, or third years. I guess no one is used to seeing me run inside the school. But I didn't care. Tsu has been upset for far to long now and I can't stand seeing her this way.

I made my way out the front door, and saw that Tsu was waiting. "Tsu!" I yelled out. She heard me this time because she turned around and saw me. She grew a little smile, but it soon faded. What's wrong my dearest?!
"What is it, Tsu? What's upset you?"

"It's nothing, Chako. Sorry for worrying you." She looked down. She was cleaning hurting. I could see it in her eyes.

"Tsu, I.."

"Hey you two! What are we going this afternoon?!" Deku shouted from behind us.

"Hi, Deku," Tsu said with a soft voice, a fake smile on her lips. "I don't have anything planned."

"And you, Uraraka?"

"Nothing.. we can go to the shops?"

"That sounds like an excellent idea!" Iida shouted from our right. "I do hope you don't mind. Midoriya invited me to spend the afternoon with you all so we can become close friends again!"

"That's fine, Iida. Let's get going," I said while taking my steps forward. We all walked together, and shared a few laughs. Iida scolded Deku for walking to close to the road, but he laughed it off as always. Tsu, however. Something was clearly off, and it was making my stomach turn.


We arrived at the shops, and Iida immediately went to look at some glasses. "Midoriya! May I please use your help to figure out which glasses would benefit me while training!"
He hasn't changed much. And to no surprise, Deku went with a large smile. It left just Tsu and I.

"Hey, Tsu! Why don't we go check out some clothes?!" I asked, trying to be as energetic as I possibly could.

"You mean, just the two of us? Ribbit."
She moved her hand up to her face, her finger pointing to her lips in her usual manner. Although, something was off. Tsu, she- she is smiling! Yay!

"If that is okay with you!" I said all giddy like, grabbing her hands and smiling. "Shall we?"

"Lead the way, Chako!" She smiled brighter, and some more colour filled out her skin. That's the Tsu I fell in lo-

"Okay!!!!! Umm... this way!" I blushed, walking off quickly to a random store. Tsu made sure to stay right by me. For her frog-like nature, keeping up was like a walk in the park. Sure enough, we arrived at the shop front in no time at all. "Here we are!"

"Umm, Chako?" Tsu said softly, her finger to her lips. "This is an adult toy store?" My face lit up, before going a ghostly white.

This is it.

It's come.

D E F E A T . . .

"Maybe we could go into the store next to us?" She suddenly said.

"I agree, that does look to be a clothes store afterall!" I quickly responded, both of us walking into the store.

"Is everything alright, Chako? You seem a little off at the current moment. Ribbit." She was now looking directly at me, while I pretended to look for something in the clothes pile.

"Before we were interupted by Deku, you were about to tell me something super important. I guess that it's not yet left my mind how serious that moment was for you. And well, I've been curious about what you were gonna ask?" I was blushing. My cheeks were burning slightly.

"Oh. Well you see. I was gonna ask you out on a date. Ribbet." Now it was her turn to blush. The red of her cheeks matched her green hair and eyes almost perfectly. So cute!

"Y- You were?!" I froze, not realizing that some shirts were floating above me. "W-W-Well you can! If you want."

"Well, Ochako," She turned her full attention to me, as I to her. Her eyes fixated on mine. "Would you maybe wanna, go out sometime?" Yep, now she looked like a frog made from Ruby and Emerald.

"Tsu, I.."

"Uraraka, Tsu! Midoriya has been trying to find you two for quite some time! He wants us all to gather in the food court where we can eat!" Not you too, Iida. Why do we always get interupted?!

"We will meet you there, Iida," I said quickly, putting on a fake smile. He took off in the direction of the food court, and Tsu soon followed. I was left standing in the store, completly oblivious to the floating clothes.

"Excuse me, Miss. Can I ask that you please drop the shirts. Customers might think the store is haunted."

"Y-Yes! Sorry!"


The food court. A wide open space full of tables and chairs and people who eat eat eat. Yet, I was one person who wasn't in an eat eat eat mood.
Tsu and I have been interupted twice now. And it's not Iida's fault for the second time, poor guy. He's just doing his duty as our rep. But Deku sending him at that exact moment? Deku interupting right as Tsu was about to ask at school? It didn't exactly sit right with me. The kid is a saint, but, this isn't our first year anymore.

We all sat down, and began eating. Funnily enough, we all got salads. The hero stuff was officially set in stone.
We ate, and talked, had some laughs. But, Tsu was on the verge of breaking.
I needed to get her alone. And quick.

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