7 • Stay By My Side

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The air around us was cold. The stars above us were coated by clouds. Lightning painting the canvas above us. The music of the Gods thundering around us. The trees dancing a fierce dance, while the animals who once lived here seemed like ghosts.

"Chako? Where are we?" Tsu sounded softly from my right. "Where is everyone else?"

"I don't know, Tsu. All I know is that we are alone." I stepped closer to her, and held her close to my chest. She held me back, and rubbed my back softly. "Let's go see if we can find some shelter. It looks like it may rain soon." I took her hand, and led her towards the nearest cluster of trees.

As we walked, the light show above us grew brighter, the thunder grew more wild. The trees around us were being torn from the ground. Wind nearly wiped us away. The only thing that'd keep us from danger, would be a very large tree with roots so far underground, that this storm and it's wind couldn't rip it out.

And that's when we saw it; exactly what we were looking for. A giant tree with a hollow bottom.

"Come on, Tsu! Let's go in there and wait this storm out!" I tried shouting over the thunder. She must've heard, because we were now running together to the tree.

Once we were safe inside, we stopped shivering as much. It was nice and cozy, but our bodies couldn't forget the temperature we were running in just moments before.

"Chako?" Tsu looked to me, and I looked to her, our eyes locking. "I know I'm usually pretty calm, but in all honesty, I'm a little scared."

"Don't worry, Tsu. We are safe in here. Just keep close to me so we can stay warm." We held onto eachother, and slowly started falling asleep.

* Alarm goes off *

Huh? Was that just a dream? It felt so real. I was so cold. We were all alone.

"Good morning, Chako. You sleep okay? Ribbit." Tsu spoke softly from beside me.

"Y-Yeah, I guess?" I sat up, rubbing my temples slowly. "You?"

"Yeah, I slept pretty good. It got a bit cold last night though, but other than that, I had no problems. Cold?

Looking around my room, I could see that a lot of my stuff was moved aside to the walls so we could make room for a tent-like sleeping area in the centre. My window was open, and the wind was blowing my curtains, and also the tents walls. There was wind blowing into the room with a bit of chill to it. Given that last night the sun was down, I can see how it would've been cold.

Well, at least this explains the dream. My imagination is weird..

"Hey, Tsu? You'll always be by my side, right?" I turned to her, and my face couldn't help by look sad.

"Of course, Chako. You know that." She replied reasurringly. "Why are you asking that?"

"Just checking." I smiled, and yes, it was a real smile. "I'll always be by your side too!"

"Thank you. Ribbet." She rolled closer to me, and we held eachother close.
This was nice for a Saturday morning.

She looked into my eyes, and I did the same to her. Slowly, we moved closer, until our lips touched. We kept ourselves like this for a while, pulling back for air when we needed to. We were both still nee to this stuff, but kissing her felt like heaven on my lips. She made me feel safe. I pulled back, and pressed my forehead to hers. She let out a calm sigh.

"I love you, Tsu. Thank you for being my girlfriend." I blushed calling her that. I wasn't use to it just yet.

"I love you too, Chako. I'll always be here for you." She was blushing too.

○ ○ ○

After an hour of us laying down and cuddling, we decided to go downstairs to get some breakfast. Lucky for us, Momo was making tea, and Sato was cooking something that smelt incredible.

We entered the living room, and were greeted by Kirishima and Bakugo. Kiri waved and gave a smile, whereas Bakugo just glared and turned his head away from us.

Sato and Momo were busy at work in the kitchen, with Mina keeping them company. Everyone else must still be in their rooms, or out in the town.

The atmosphere in this dorm has definitely gotten a lot more homey since the first year, and I loved it. I think we all did.

I wonder where Deku and Iida are..?

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