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"Everyone listen up! Today is an impirtant first day for you all!" Mic shouted from the front of the auditorium. "It is clean up week! So, let's get cleaning!"

"Thank you, Mic," Aizawa said sloppily, walking out of the room with his sleeping bag. "Let's go students."

We all walked out of the hall, and got into groups of 5. In my group, was Tsu, Deku, Iida, Todoroki, and me of course. For a clean up week, I was pretty excited. Maybe it was because I had Tsu with me this time.

Some students couldn't quite grasp the reason why 'Heroes in training' were wasting time with cleaning up; all they wanted to do was train and be heroes. The reason was that no matter where you are, being a hero isn't always about defeating villians. Sometimes you'll need to help the elderly cross the road, or save a cat who's stuck in a tree, or, clean up the streets. It can be anything from small to big. All I know is, Iida couldn't wait to make his impression on the public with his 'SUPER FAST CLEANING!'

We changed into our hero costumes, and once we chose where to go, we left. A whole week of cleaning, this will make us better as people.


"Okay, here we are. Everyone get started!" Iida shouted, running down the street.

"Well, should we work in pairs and split up? Ribbit," Tsu asked with her finger pointed to her cheek. "It may get done a little quicker."

"Sure! I'll go with Uraraka!" Deku said in the blink of an eye, almost like he was waiting for someone to mention 'splitting up' or something.

"Alright, that leaves me with Tsu," Todoroki said calmly, walking away from us. "Let's get going Tsu."

"Right behind you," she said with an almost heartbroken voice. I'm sorry..


About an hour later, we stopped and grabbed lunch. Because of how far we split from the others, Deku and I decided to just make it us.

"What should we get to eat?" Deku asked calmly, walking with a proud stride. "I'm sorta feeling like sushi."

"Yeah.. sushi sounds nice!" I said worriedly, thinking about Tsu.

Deku and I found the closest sushi train, and once seated inside, we began eating. The sushi was good, and the employees were super friendly. But I kept getting a weird feeling from Deku.

"Deku?" I asked after I finished my first plate. "Why were you so quick to pair up with me?"

"Hmm? Oh! Because I miss hanging out with you. You know, alone?" He gave his usual friendly smile, but it didn't effect me like it did in our first year. This time, it was just a smile.

"Well, I miss it too, but it wasn't fair to just call bagsies. What if the others wanted to hang out with me?"

"Why would they wanna hang out with you? And why would you wanna hang out with them when you can have me instead?" Again with that smile. However, what he said, not nice at all.

"Deku, you can't say-"

"We would've loved to hang out with her, as she is our friend." Todoroki?
"What you just said was very rude."

"Todoroki?!" Deku spun around, and he looked like he was faking his smile. "What are you doing here?"

"We came to get sushi."

"We?" He asked nervously.

"Hello, Ochako." Tsu came out from behind Todoroki, and walked straight passed Deku to get to me. "Sorry, was helping an elderly woman carry some stuff to her car." God she is so cute..

"Do you wanna eat with us?" Deku asked with a small smile, a little and nervous chuckle following.

"No, we came to get Uraraka, then eat sushi at another train." Todoroki said bluntly. "And before you ask why; Iida wants to talk to you."

"Come on, Chako. Let's get going. We need to quickly eat so we can get back to cleaning." Tsu said as she grabbed my arm softly. "I missed you," she whispered.

Normally, I would've said goodbye to Deku, but after what he said, I just wanted to leave. "I missed you too."


Todoroki, Tsu and I arrived at the next closest sushi train. Because we wanted to be efficient, we picked up any rubbish we saw along the way. Surprisingly enough, we cleaned up heaps for the distance we travelled.

We stood inside, and before anything was planned, Todoroki left. "Have fun you two," he said with a smile. "I'll go meet back with the boys. Just wanted to make sure you got here okay."

"Bye!" We both shouted to him.

"So, I'm guessing you heard what Deku said?" I asked Tsu sadly.

"Indeed I did. It wasn't very nice of him to say something like that. In fact, it wasn't like him at all. Ribbit." Tsu replied, her thinking face on.

"Oh well! Iida is talking to him right now I'm sure, and Todoroki is on his way. They'll sort him out!" I said in my usual cheerful self. Smile, Tsu. Please, you have such a pretty smile.

"Have I ever told you how much I like your hero costume? It fits you perfectly." Tsu said with a smile.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" I replied back cheekily.

"Th-Thank you." She blushed, and we went to get our food.


The day was done, and we all went back to the dorms. My class was talking cheerfully about all they did in the day. It was great to see everyone so lively and actually enjoying the week so far. But, looking to the front window, I saw Deku outside. He was just sitting on the porch, looking out towards some trees. He had a sad expression on his face, his smile was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't help myself, I needed to see what was going on.
I stepped outside, then next to him, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Deku? What's going on?" I asked with a sad tone.

"I missed my shot with you, didn't I."

RIBBIT - TsuChako ✔Where stories live. Discover now