Chapter 3

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Nico's POV:

As we went back to where-ever the tower is, like who calls something "the tower," my mind starts to wander. I start wondering if this happened a lot. Like, do they regularly kidnap people or is it just me. Because no one is protesting despite the fact that it's obvious that I don't want to be here. Also no one is stopping them, why, is this just normal and I missed the memo? We approach a large building and I suddenly realize why it's called "the tower." I can't go up there, Zeus will be furious! I start struggling again and Steve stooped and looked down at me confused.

"Why is he struggling?" Asked the weird guy with a bow. Is that even legal, to just carry a bow around. Then again, kidnapping isn't legal either.

"He doesn't like heights," Bucky said looking down as if slightly guilty for his actions.

"Oh yeah," Steve mumbled suddenly looking ashamed. Regardless of this he continued and walked through the building and up to an elevator. I started struggling again, there was no way I was going in there. It might have been a while, but the flash backs and panic attacks still happened and probably always will. And just as we walked in despite my movements and murmured no's, I started having a panic attack. My entire body went slack and I fell forward in Steve's hold, my head dangling uselessly and swaying back and forth. My eyes started fluttering and obscuring my vision. I tried to stay awake, I don't trust these people enough to be vulnerable around them. My hearing started fading and it felt like the walls were closing in on me. I could hear them talking but couldn't decipher what they were saying. Then I couldn't hear or see, and it was just me, me and my thoughts, me and my panic, me and my nightmares.

Steve's POV:

The closer we got to the elevator the more scared he got. He was struggling and saying no over and over again. He certainly sounded like Nico, but he also sounded scared. I felt really bad, but we had to talk to him. I needed to know. Thinking he was dead then seeing him was too much. Suddenly I'm brought back to reality when he slumps over in my arms. I look down to see him having a panic attack.

"Move Back!" I bark and when they do, I lay him on the ground. Everyone knows what's going on, but no one knows what to do about it. He's mumbling things like I'm sorry, please stop, No, and please don't hurt me. I reach out to him and as my fingers make contact, he lets out a small scream. I scramble back. The elevator doors open, and I quickly scoop him up and lay him on the couch. Bruce walks in from another room and looks from us to Nico and back finally landing on us disapprovingly.

"So does anyone want to tell me what happened?"

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