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| 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔡𝔢𝔯 |

Just before I could enter the living room, Jimin stopped me in the hallway, "Rose, there you are!" He grinned

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Just before I could enter the living room, Jimin stopped me in the hallway, "Rose, there you are!" He grinned.

I smiled back at the quite handsome male, "Here I am."

"Since you're pretty new here I thought I could show you around a bit, what do you think?" I nodded, totally forgetting about the actual reason I had come downstairs, and watched his grey eyes sparkle in relief.

Jimin opened the front door and waited as I put some random sneakers on that definitely didn't belong to me. I was about to get up and follow Jimin out the door but my eyes shot towards the closed door beside me where a muffled voice could be heard.

"What are you thinking about, Yoongi?"

Before I could think rationally, the door had already been pushed open by my hands. My eyes focused on two figures sitting on the couch. The girl had rested her head on Yoongi's shoulder while the boy drew circles on her hand.

Her eyes snapped my way while Yoongi's stayed glued on the ground. I met Jimin's sad eyes and smiled a little before closing the door. Warily turning around, my eyes widened when my mate stood in front of me.
"Rose." He spoke in dominance and my eyes immediately met the wooden floor out of relex submission.


"But—" I tried but got cut off by a low grumble telling me his patience had grown thin. I sighed in defeat and turned back around to leave the room.

My glistening eyes would've shed tears if it wasn't for my heavy pride keeping me from humiliating myself. My natural confidence allowed me to usually not let hurtful words or actions affect me. However being unwanted by the one person that was to share my very soul with me, hurt worse than anyone could describe. The thought of the mate bond only being one sided crossed my mind but I quickly shook the horrifying guess off.


I looked over my shoulder and blackish round eyes connected with my own.

"I'd like to meet her." Her voice was rich and lacing with elegance.

I watched Yoongi's eyes wander over to the girl and she smiled knowingly.

"Come over here."

My natural stubbornness made me stay grounded beside the door and the girl clicked her tongue before getting off the couch and strolling her way over to me.

'She's a caligo for sure.' I suspected as I eyed her black shiny hair and overall dark features. Not to mention that her citrus scent was more prominent than average, which meant she belonged to either lucidos or caligos.

She stopped a few feet in front of me and peered down at my eyes

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She stopped a few feet in front of me and peered down at my eyes. I straightened my usually crooked posture, trying to appear taller but failed when my eyes met her collarbone.

'Lmao she's way too tall for him.' I mentally sneered but knew I was secretly jealous of her long slender figure. I couldn't help but spare a glance at my own legs to compare them.

"Nice necklace." I complimented the jewelry in front of my eyes with a nervous chuckle, desperately trying to change the icy atmosphere, but to no avail. I awkwardly cleared my throat and smiled tightly.

"Anyway, I'm Rose, Yoongi's mate." I spoke, my wolf needing to immediately mark her territory, and held out my hand to greet the intruder.

"So you're the one.." She trailed off, leaving my hand awkwardly haniging in the air, and shamelessly checked me out. She shook her head when she glanced at the large clothes that didn't fit my body. I had yet to buy clothes and utensils.

"I was wondering when I would finally have the honor to meet my boyfriend's mate," She tilted her head to the side and pouted, "But now I'm a little bit disappointed."


"Enough." Yoongi grunted and stepped in between us, "Elena, you should prepare your leave, Jackson is gonna execute you."

The feeling of my wolf trying to take over made me stumble back into the door with a thud. In order to calm down, I quickly covered my ears with my thumbs and eyes with my hands. I took a deep breath, counting to four, and then breathed out, creating a low hum. My trainer back home had taught me the exercise and it ended up being the only way to keep my wolf from changing without my consent. While I was pained and disappointed, knowing my mate had given himself to someone else, my wolf felt pure rage towards the intruder who didn't know her place.

"Rose?" I heard Yoongi speak in concern and I shook my head as a sign to give me space. Eventually having calmed down, I removed my hands and fluttered my eyes.

"I'm leaving now." I muttered, referring to Yoongi's earlier order and turned on my heels.

"What was your name again?" I heard Elena call after me in mock, trying to add fire to the already burning wound.

I twisted the doorknob and briefly looked over my shoulder. I felt the need to spit into her face but only ended up sighing hopelessly and then left the room, gently closing the door behind me.

"Could you show me around now?" I asked the silver haired boy who patiently waited in the hallway.

| 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡 |


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