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| 𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔞𝔩 |

"If it's bothering you, you don't have to be here

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"If it's bothering you, you don't have to be here." I mumbled quietly and pulled the blanket up to my cheeks, hoping it would lessen the luring scent that was only to become more intensive.

Yoongi shook his head and glanced down at his pale hands. I didn't expect him to speak, as I had found out he wasn't quite talkative, so I took the initiative,
"You must be mad at me." I stated, "Because of my selfish desires, Elena will be leaving."

A mild smile hushed over his small lips and Yoongi shook his head, "I'm a little upset." He admitted and quickly added, "You reacted impulsive and rash. If you had lost, you wouldn't be the only one in pain."

'Wait— What?' I lowered my head and stared into the darkness under the sheets, 'Is he saying that he would be hurt too if I were to leave?'

"What's done is done." Yoongi muttered, "Actually.." I heard him sigh, "Where did you learn how to fight?"

I pushed my head back up and felt a surge of happiness rushing through me at his sudden interest in me.
"Back home I was the only female hunter, hence the male hunters would always tell me to stay home, because they didn't think I was qualified enough to hunt with them. That's why I had a lot of freetime and decided to improve my skills." I took in a large breath, "An elder taught me a bunch of fighting techniques and I eventually got strong and fast enough to join the hunt."

My cheeks reddened slightly when I had realized that I had stretched my answer to a five minutes talk. I couldn't help it. There was this urge to tell him as much as possible about me in hopes to make our bond grow.

Yoongi didn't seem to mind though and simply nodded in understandment, "It was impressive." He complimented subtly.

A warm ticklish feeling spread inside my gut and I slightly squirmed under the sheets, not knowing how to handle the overwhelming feeling of being complimented by my mate.

Yoongi sucked in a breath and painfully bit his lip, "Don't do that.". My eyed widened in confusion and I watched him with curious eyes, "Do what?"

He stood up and took a few steps back, while pushing his hands into his ripped denim jeans and glancing out the window.

"You're getting aroused."

My face formed into a shocked one and I instinctively pulled the sheets all over my head. I squeezed my eyes shut and scoffed lightly.

"I'm not aroused!" My voice came out muffed due to the soft fabric covering my face. To be honest, I hadn't even noticed my excited state until Yoongi mentioned it. It must've been caused by the heat.

I heard Yoongi chuckle dryly, "Seriously, out of everyone, I know the best if you're aroused or not, so don't argue with me." He spoke in a amused manner but I could clearly hear his alpha dominance shining through. It send shivers down my spine as I sunk deeper into the mattress.

Yoongi's scent lessened which made me shoot up in terror, scared that he'd leave. Another side affect, clinginess. Not that I wasn't clingy to begin with..

"Where are you going?" I asked as I saw him standing close to the door. He gripped the door handle and gave me a last glance, "You stay in this room." He ordered, ignoring my question,

"I will be back in a bit."

A sigh escaped my lips and I fell back into the mattress when the door had closed. I clutched my stomach and pressed my thighs together.

He was right, I was aroused.

| 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡 |


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