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Animus. A minimal amount of werewolves whom were given the ability to enter someone else's mind and read it like their own. If it was a gift or a curse was surely controversial, because it allowed one to understand their surroundings, however also brought immense exhaustion dealing with other people's worries and wishes. I was sure, I wouldn't be able to handle my brain being constantly drowned by other people's thoughts, especially if those thoughts were negative. I was overwhelmed with my own ones already. If the Animus was skilled though, they were able to mostly control their ability and only enter someone else's mind when they wanted to, so it wouldn't cause themselves too much damage.

I hadn't met any wolves with the mind reading ability before, since they vaguely limited to less than hundred wolves around the world, so to hear that Jimin was one of them shocked me. Not to mention that I couldn't help but be curious about how much he knew. He must be aware of how Yoongi feels about me. And how I feel about him. All those times I've had swooned over his lips or eyes.. Awkward.


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"You... what?" I asked slowly and Yoongi exhaled harshly.
"Once your heat is over. I'm not going to risk another attack on you."
"You... what?" I repeated my words, not actually intending to tease him.

"Min Yoongi!" I rushed to his side before he was fully out of the room and held onto his shirt, "You can't just say stuff like that and then leave."

Said man turned back around and threw his head back with a groan, "You're seriously annoying."

I had gotten used to his daily insults and didn't let them get to my head. My wolf however didn't have such thick skin. She cowered in pain every time Yoongi insulted us rashly. It made me angry. How could he throw around such negativity? Was he not aware of how it made me feel or did he simply not care enough?

The need to voice out my thoughts was swallowed down and I decided to move on to more important matters.
"You are aware of the fact that once you introduce me as the Luna, you'll eventually have to accept the bond?" I asked daringly, but wasn't sure if I was mentally prepared for the answer so I continued my speech, "Not to mention that I'll have to officially leave my own pack." I stated and suddenly frowned, "But I'm not doing that if you yourself don't know what you actually want."

The image of me joining Yoongi's pack but never being accepted by him send chills down my spine. I needed him, surely. But I couldn't bear the fact, that he wouldn't need me, being rubbed in my face every minute. I had more pride than that.

Yoongi looked conflicted at my words, his eyes reflecting heavy indecisiveness. I could see his knuckles turning white as he balled his fist and it pained me to see his helplessness. His actions had made me realize, that he must've been through something traumatic in the past, which resulted in him not wanting me or rather my kind near him. I wanted so badly to take his hands in mine and calm him, but I had gotten to know my boundaries.

No touching.

"Yoongi.." I whispered and took a step back, realizing I had accidentally gotten way too close for his liking.
"I have an ability too, you know?" I spoke and my words must've lured my mate because he finally looked me in the eyes.
"I'm not a shapeshifter or Animus, like Jimin, but I'm an exceptionally good listener. That's my ability." I answered truthfully.

"If you feel like your thoughts and emotions are getting too much, you can give a few to me. I'll handle them with care."

And then it happened.

On a sunday, at 10.30 pm.

Min Yoongi smiled. Because of me.

𝔶𝔬𝔬𝔫𝔤𝔦'𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔳.

"If you feel like your thoughts and emotions are getting too much, you can give a few to me. I have enough space for them and will handle them with care." She spoke, the soft, warm tone of her voice drawing me in.

And then it happened.

I smiled.

It was ironic. Taehyung had said something similar to me years ago when we were still young and he had just recently joined the pack.

I didn't like him back then.

"Hyung, you always say I'm too careless. It appears that you have a lot on your mind though. If you want, you can give some of your concerns to me and I'll keep them safe."
He was only seven, but still so selfless and loving. I always envied him for being so positive. From the outside, he looked like he had no worries. So simpleminded.

I scanned Rose's tender expression and the light smile gracing her adorable lips. Come to think of it, they both had a lot in common.

"You should smile more often." Rose suggested and I noticed her hands reaching out to me before she reluctantly pushed them back in her jeans, "It suits you."

This wasn't fair. She had grown to be scared of touching me because of my cold actions. Because I was scared of the way I would react to her touches.

'Coward.' My wolf grumbled, just like he always did, when I pushed away our mate. I wasn't only unfair to my mate, but also to him. He didn't care who she was and where she came from. It didn't make him want her any less.

Still, as I stared into her glistening, kind eyes, I couldn't bring myself to say sorry. Sorry for acting like I disliked her presence and wanted her gone, when I trully just wanted to reach out and protect her. Sorry for keeping her in the dark about the actual reason I behaved the way I did, when it didn't really have anything to do with her personally.

Instead it was her saying sorry, for things she shouldn't even be sorry for.

"Sorry." She chuckled lightly and my wolf's tail wagged widly at the cute sound. It was only then, I noticed her hand gripping my shirt but she suddenly pulled away and ruffled her hair in frustration, "Goddammit, why is it so hard for me to stay away from you." She scolded herself.

"This mate bond is wicked." She exclaimed in awe. "We haven't even mated yet and I'm already struggling to not touch you." She spoke rather to herself and my eyes darkened at the thought of marking and claiming her. My wolf desperately tried to take control and do exactly what our mate had mentioned, so I growled at him in order to push some sense into him.

This resulted in Rose widening her eyes while covering her mouth in shock, "I'm doing it again!" She shrieked and I felt slightly confused by her words.

'Doing what again? Seducing me?'

"I'm making you feel uncomfortable by talking about mating when you aren't even close to liking me." She lowered her head in shame and my heart twisted in pain, seeing her blaming herself for something that surely wasn't her fault.

My feet took wary steps towards her and I unconsciously wrapped my arms around her petite form. I felt her flinch at the sudden contact so I lifted my hand and gently stroked her smooth hair, immediately making her relax in my arms. The sudden scent of salt entered my nose and I felt a knot form in my throat.

She was crying.

'You have no idea, Rose.'

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