Orgys and Elijah.

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"Nice body, Ready to get out of it?" Asked a girls voice.

What the hell? You go to sleep for a couple of hours and wake up to an orgy happening in the same room.

Or so I'm guessing, I still haven't opened my eyes yet.

To be honest I don't know what I was thinking, going to sleep in the same room as a vampire doppelgänger and the original vampire dick who wants to kill my sister.

What is wrong with me.

"I know your awake Rylan. I can hear your heart beat change." Said someone with a European accent.

"Because that isn't creepy at all." I muttered before finally opening my eyes.

Holy crap. Did I just walk into an episode of The Secret Circle or something. Am I a realm jumper?

I wish.

I wish a lot.

I heard a deep chuckle and turned my head. Holy fuc-

"I must say, I was quite surprised to see you asleep on Alaric's lounge. Are you brave or just stupid?" The attractive beast- I mean man asked with an alluring accent.

"Little bit of both I guess." I replied honestly while trying not to get entranced by his eyes as I am an idiot and didn't wear my vervain bracelet since it didn't go with my dress.

Why must I be so fashionable.

"I guess so, now love. Let me introduce myself. My name is Niklaus Mikaelson. Or as you may know me, Klaus."

Why must all the bad guys be so attractive?


"You are not going to be forced to leave this apartment by anyone and if they do manage to remove you from it, you will be used in the sacrifice tonight." He compelled me.

He left after that. I was asleep for a couple of hours I think. We still have a tittle while until the sacrifice so I'm not too worried.

Katherine is currently dancing on a table at the moment and I am really tempted to get up and dance along.

Why is she so fun while Elena is so boring?

It's enticing.


Bad Rylan.

Don't get up and dance with the nasty vampire doppelgänger.

Too late.

Rylan -1



I got up and started dancing with Katherine while taking a swig of Alaric's bourbon.

"Wow, this is one position I never thought I would find myself in." Katherine and I both muttered a couple of minutes later as we danced/grinded against each other.

"Just keep dancing. Your kinda fun." She said back.

I shrugged. Nothing better to do.


"Why aren't you freaking out over the fact that your sister is being sacrificed right now?" Katherine asked curiously.

"We still have ages to go until that. I'll freak when it happens." I replied while reading a magazine.

Katherine stared at me oddly for a moment.

"Rylan. Why do you think Klaus hasn't come back yet?" She asked as if she was talking about everyday things like cleaning the toilet.

"Errands or wanking." I stated confidently.

Wanking probably.

"Rylan. The sacrifice is nearly over. Why do you think he got you to sleep?"

Oh shit.

"Gotta go. Bye fun doppelgänger."

"Rylan! They're at the quarry. Stay safe. Your probably one of the only presences I enjoy."

"Ditto Katherine." I yelled back since I was already out the door and halfway down the stairs.

Now to steal a car.


I entered the quarry after hitching a ride with a possible rapist.



"In the name of our family Niklaus," Yelled an unknown voice that made shivers run down my spine and my shoulder throb.

What is wrong with me, ugh, I need to go to the doctors and get this checked out.

"Wrong timing Rylan, your sisters just been sacrificed" I muttered to myself after already deciding that I would cry when I was alone over the fact that my little sisters dead.

I ran over to the lit up area just as a man- hold that thought- attractive as hell man plunged his hand into Klaus's chest.

Ouch. That's gonna hurt tomorrow.

"I didn't bury their bodies at sea." Klaus rasped out.

The attractive man looked up in shock and locked eyes with me after rolling his shoulder that wasn't gripping Klaus's heart in his hand a few times in what I can only guess is pain.

The moment we locked eyes was when the rest of the sounds and sights drowned away. Just looking into his eyes was like I was walking for days in the desert and he was the only source of entertainment.

Or water.

Waters important too.

I didn't hear much more of the conversations that were happening as I was too focused on this mans face as he was focused on mine.

I always win at staring competitions. This handsome man isn't going to win.

We kept looking at each other until he quickly looked around and said "I'm sorry." Before rushing up and grabbing Klaus in his hands.

I expected him to quickly run off. He should of. Damon and Stefan already hold things against him. What I didn't expect was for him to grab me and run.



Finished, whoooo, I wrote this at school because, ew maths.

Feedback on wether or not keep Elijah undaggered and him to go on Klaus and Stefan's road trip along with Rylan?

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