Apartment Stairwells and Bloody Shirts

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"There they are, a bit late, but here nevertheless." Klaus stated with a smirk as Elijah and I walked through the door hand in hand.

"Shut your mouth Klaus." I told him with a smirk before turning to look at what else was going on in the room. "Oh, hi Katherine and Stefan."

"Hey fun Gilbert." Katherine greeted me before we both turned to look at Stefan who was surrounded by empty bloodbags. 

"Eh." I stated as I shrugged my shoulder's and walked past him to grab my phone from Alaric's bedside table. I unlocked it using my passcode of '1020', don't know why that's my passcode it just is and checked my emails.

"Fuck." I said as I noticed an email from Jeff Davis' secretary stating that work begins back in a week and a half. Almost instantly after I swore both Elijah and Niklaus were by my side in defense mode.

"Whats wrong?" They chorused at the same time.

"Nothing, I just have to get back to work soon." They both nodded understandingly before Klaus left my side and walked away. Elijah stayed close by for the next ten or so minutes as we waited outside the door with Katherine for Klaus to be ready with Stefan or whatever it is he's doing. 

"Katerina" Klaus called. She sucked in a deep breath before walking through the door and talking with Klaus. I couldn't hear what they were saying but judging by the looks on Elijah's face it was something unexpected from Klaus. 

I stepped out of Elijah's embrace as Katherine walked through the door with a shocked but happy look on her face. 

"Katherine?" I asked. "Are you okay?" 

No response.

She's smiling like a pedo.

"Elijah, why is she smiling like that?" I muttered to him before I was yanked into Katherines embrace and she was continuously muttering "I'm free, I'm free, I'm free." 

"It appears my brother has finally tapped into his humanity and allowed Katerina to stop running from him." Elijah told me as Katherine released me and I turned and smiled at her before asking her, "What are you doing still standig here with us? Run, Forrest, run."

"You know what, I think i'm going to walk slowly." She told us before planting a friendly kiss on each of our cheeks and strutting down the stairs.

I watched her walk away before turning to Elijah and decided to ask what was on my ind.

"So-Uh- Sex?"

God damn it Rylan, you gigantic fuck up.

"Sex?" Elijah said with an odd look on his face.

"Sex." I nodded.


"Okay, intercourse then." I told him.


"Oh my go- Yes, we had incredibly hot sex in the woods like an hour before we got here and you called me a Socium Veritibus, whatever the hell that even is." I burst out.

He looked shocked for a minute before composing himself and was about to reply but was cut off by a slow clapping coming from behind me, we both turned to look at who was clapping and I was surprised to see it was Klaus.

"Must say, I'm a bit upset that I wasn't invited to this 'Incredibly hot sex' that you two had in the woods, although, i'm sure Rylan and I can find some time to go have some fun of our own another time. Better yet, why don't you join us brother, it will be just like that time in England 1427, when we found our first Socium Veritibus. We could even undagger Kol, get him to join in on the fun just like in 1568 when we were in Bulgaria." he told us.

Um, what. the. actual. fuck.

Why am I getting turned on by this?


Bad body.


"Look at that brother, our girls getting all hot and bothered" Klaus told Elijah before walking over to me and standing so that his front was pressed right against my back as Elijah watched on carefully and lustfully. 

I bit my lip as to stop from moaning out loud when Klaus sucked on the shell of my ear and then whispered huskily in it "Do you enjoy that image love? Us three rolling around in the sheets together?" 

I nodded frantically and didn't even notice I had snapped my eyes shut until I opened them when I felt someone standing at my front. I looked up a tiny bit to see that it was Elijah and smiled a bit at him before Klaus' hands started slowly roaming my body and I turned my head to see he had his smirk plastered on his face. Klaus gently started placing open mouthed kisses down my neck and I moaned, loudly, I flipped my head over his shoulder, unconsciously baring my neck to him, giving him a bigger area to kiss down.

I felt a hand begin to caress my face and I opened my eyes to see the other pair of eyes that I have seen so much of in the past few days, however I haven't yet seen Elijah's eyes with this much lust in them. 

I released a shuddering breath as Elijah's head dipped down and he bagan mouthing at the other side of my neck. I snaked my arms around in a certain way so that I was gently scraping my nails along their scalps whilst gently gripping both of their hair in my fingers.

"Hu-Guys-Mm-I'm really-Oh my go-Enjoying this but-Ugh-If we keep going any longer i'm going to jump both of your bones in this dirty-Oh god- Apartment stairwell." I choked out with so much difficulty as the two men kept ravishing my neck.

They pulled away reluctantly after both giving a few last sucks and pecks to a certain area on my neck each.

I'm so gonna have hickies.

God fucking damn it.

I was breathless for a couple of minutes before I looked up at both of the men who were still fairly close to me although they were in an intense staring match that they broke out of by nodding towards each other, then both looking down towards me and smiling softly.

"Come on, love. We have a road trip to go on." Klaus told me.

We walked back through the door to see a very bloody and tousled Stefan now standing and waiting for us. He looked at the two men on either side of me before his eyes rested on me and he sped over to hug me. 

"Rylan, we were so worried, after Elijah took you we all thought the worst." He mumbled into my neck, I smiled at him before jumping out of his embrace and walking back over to Klaus and Elijah who were both incredibly tensed up, they both were glaring at Stefan until I took one of their hands each. 

They calmed down almost instantly and I smiled before looking down at my feet.

These heels are killing me. 


What the fuc-

Is that?



"Stefan you dick, you got blood on my shirt." I yelled angrily.


So incase you can't tell, I suck at writing smutty scenes, I am way too socially awkward to be allowed in public half the time.

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