Gorgeous Men and Cute Butts

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What in the world is happening right now. You close your eyes for one minute and suddenly your grabbed around the waist and thrown over the shoulder of an attractive man who just tried to kill Klaus. What even.

"You know, I'm probably getting heavy, you can put me down now." I told the man as he was still holding onto me by the arm wrapped around my waist.

Why does that feel so wrong to say?

"Of course Miss." The attractive man with the alluring voice stated. 

I turned around to see what my kidnapper looked like and almost tripped over my own feet when I saw his face, It's the staring contest man, except, he's closer and -oh my god- I want to suck his face off.

Is this what they call eye sex?

"Well hello handsome." I muttered under my breath while still keeping eye contact, even as he chuckled  and lifted my hand to his lips.

"I must say it is a compliment indeed coming from an exquisite beauty such as yourself Miss..?" He stated after placing a light kiss on my knuckles. 

Cinderella, I feel like Cinderella. I need to post this on twitter or something.


"Gilbert, Rylan Gilbert" I replied back after swallowing the sudden lump in my throat.

His hungry eyes that had been gazing my face and body quickly snapped up to meet my eyes once again in what I can only guess is shock.

"Pardon my manners, but did you say you were a Gilbert?" He asked curiously.

"Consider yourself pardoned" I stated with a sly smirk while looking over his body. "However, I am Elena and Jeremy's older sister."

He smirked and returned the favour of giving me a good look over before replying.

"I apologise as I have not yet heard of you Miss Rylan." Gorgeous spoke while still holding onto my hand.

"Please, it's just Rylan." I said while trying to focus on anything but the feeling of my hand in his.

"We should probably get going then Rylan, if we wish to follow Niklaus." He stated and gently started tugging me along by the hand as we folowed the wolf for a few minutes until I came to an abrupt halt.

"Is everything okay Rylan?" He asked worriedly

"Yeah, everythings fine it's just," I trailed off while thinking of how to word my next sentence.

"Just what?"

I'm about to either;

a) Make a fool out of myself and die of embarrassment 


b) Totally score one with the sexy man.

Just do it- Don't do it Rylan- Do it-Don't-Do-Don'-

Eh, whats the worst that can possibly happen.

"Does my dashing and handsome suit-wearing kidnapper have a name or do I just have to keep calling you gorgeous in my mind?" I asked while biting my lip.

His eyes flickered to my lips before he smirked and stated,

"My apologies Rylan, but a beautiful woman such as yourself shouldnt even have to ask such a question. My name is Elijah, Elijah Mikaelson."

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