Chapter 12: "We need the Avatar"

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(Third POV)
Mako and Lee were in republic city, at the police station to be exact. Discussing the problem at hand, the spirit portal. It had been closed, and the spirits were angry.

"We need the avatar! " The police chief, Opa raged slamming his fist onto the table.

"I told you, she's not ready! " Makos voice had rose for the first time since he got here. He was tired of this, not knowing what to do, people complaining, it was getting to him.

"Well what do you expect us to do? " Opa sneered.

"Calm down" Mako said, keeping his voice low.

Opa let's out a deep breath and calms down a bit, "this is frustrating"

"What happened? " Lee asked, finally speaking for the first time. They sat at a table in a dark room with a few other officers.

"A few nights ago, there were a thousands calls coming in at once, people were calling, the sky was a light blue, despite being night. Suddenly the blue left and everything was dark , the portal was closed. And the spirits ran loose" Chief Eris explained.

"The people have been rebelling against the spirits too. The spirits possess and they fight back" Opa breathed.

"I know who we should visit" Mako said knowingly.

(Kaira POV)

"Grangran when did you guys find out?" I questioned as we sat in the living room. I sat cross legged as grangran sat opposite of me.

"That you were the avatar? " I nodded. "Well you could already earth bend before your mother passed. After your memories were wiped you started waterbending I think that was when we knew"

"You were ok with me getting my memory erased? " I almost croaked.

"No. Not exactly, your father had already earsed your memories before you guys moved here. But I saw how he struggled, the pain of loosing the love of his life, the pain of not knowing what happened.. "

I knew I had the right to burst out in anger. I wanted to scream, I wanted to tell them off. That my emotions and memories were not things you could play with. But I didn't.

"I don't buy the story the white lotus told me, they said my results were hidden? "

"It's true, they were hidden. I don't exactly understand how, but the people sent out to do the testing were trusted people. More trusted then all of the white lotus" Her face creased in thought.

"How could they just loose their loyalty like that? "

"How could they change their mind in a second? "

"I think I know" My eyes went wide once I realized what had actually happened, "spirits..." Maybe Tovak didn't mean to hurt her.

"I've heard, the government is disguising the outbreak as a disease. Kaira you're the avatar you should be able to stop this" Her hand stretches out to mine.

"But I don't even know what this is.. "

"You're the avatar, you will know. Maybe meditating on it will help" She smiled sweetly and got up.

I nod and close my eyes. Guess what? I fell asleep. I'm a terrible avatar.


Knocking at the door would wake me up, I get up groggyily and walk to the door, opening it to reveal my best friend Jin. I forced the tears back as Jin pulled me into a hug.

"Hey you ok? " He asked, his voice full of concern.

"Yeah, it's good to see you" I smiled and punched his shoulder.

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