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"Oh nah Ashley, y'all is not about to do her like that."I pushed Kennedy behind me.

"Shut up King!"Ashley snapped hitting me in the leg with the bat. "You left me for that!"She yelled hitting my leg again, making me drop to the floor.

"....Now you,"She grinned at Kennedy, she swung the bat back and knocked Kennedy right in her stomach.

I tried to get back up, but my leg gave out. "Yo' chill Ashley!"I winced out in pain.

Kennedy dropped to the ground with tears rolling down her face.

"Or what?"She smirked, she drew the bat back again and hit Kennedy making blood come gushing out of the side of her mouth.

Everything start boiling in me, and I got my strength back. I hopped on one leg and pulled my gun out of my waistband, I cocked it back and immediately shot Ashley in her leg.

She dropped to the ground, and her little friends she bought ran out of the place.

"You must've thought I was playin' wit' you?"I smirked standing over her, "I outta kill yo' dumbass."I snapped.

"P-P-Please King..."She begged crying out in pain.

"You fuckin' sad dude. That girl didn't do shit to you,"I shook my head and picked Kennedy up off of the ground.

She was crying, and her mouth was bleeding badly. "King...please take me home,"She cried into my arms.

I really felt bad for her, Kennedy was such a good girl. She didn't deserve what Ashley did to her. Ashley definitely is going to pay for this shit.

I helped her inside my car, and I limped to my side and got inside.

I took my shirt off, and handed it to Kennedy. "What's this for?"She asked.

"For ya' mouth li ma."I started the car up and drove out of the parking lot.

I pulled up to her apartment complex, and helped her outside of the car, "Your leg,"She looked down at my swollen leg.

"It's nothin' girl,"I waved her off, and she looked up at me with her innocent little eyes.

"Let me at least look at it for you,"She suggested, and I furrowed an brow at her.

"What you is, a nurse now?"I joked, and she nudged my bare chest a little.

"I was just trying to be helpful, but if your goin' to act ignor-"She rolled her eyes about to walk away, but I grabbed her arm.

"Ight li ma... let's see what skills you got,"I smirked, and we both walked up to her apartment.

When we got inside, Kyrie was on the couch watching t.v.

"Hey Ke- what the hell happened to you two?"He looked at us weirdly.

"Ashley,"I mumbled plopping down next to him. My leg was hurting like a bitch.

"She touched my lil sister?"He asked, and I nodded.

"I tried to stop her before she got to Kennedy, but she whacked my ass in the leg with a metal bat,"I told him.

"Man, Kennedy go get cleaned up. I gotta talk wit' King about somethin',"Kyrie looked over at her, she nodded and walked back to her room.

"Look man, I really did try to not let Kennedy get touched,"I started.

"Look I know man, but think of it like this. If you and Kennedy decide to get serious, you know that's puttin' her in danger."He told me, "That's somethin' you really need to think about, because I don't play about that one back there. She the only family beside Kayden that I have left,"He explained.

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