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"M-M-Mama?"I looked at her wide eyed as she walked over to sit down in the chair that was in the corner of the room.

"Boy."She waved me off, "I am not yo crackheaded ass mama."

"Then who the fuck are you?"I eyed her and she grinned at me, her crossing her legs.

"I'm Bernice. Your aunt, me and your mother are sisters."

"Your fucking lying. Janise didn't have no fucking sister, who the fuck are you."

"Oh you don't believe me?"She reached in her purse and pulled out a picture. She got out of her seat and walked over to me showing me the picture, it was her and my mother at a cookout smiling with each other.

I saw my mom and saw at how pretty and happy she was. My mom wasn't always a druggie, after my dead beat ass father left us before I was born, she tried her best to raise me by herself but then she turned to drugs and I saw how my mom appearance changed right in front of me. My mom had a nice looking body, she had glowing lightskin, straight long hair that stopped at her lower back and pretty straight white teeth.

After she got into doing crack and all types of other drugs, she start getting skinnier, her hair was falling out, her teeth wasn't even white no more. My mom used to leave me by myself for days while she was out getting her latest fix, my uncle Adonis caught me stealing from the bodega, and ended up just taking me in.

"Why the hell I never met you before?"I squinted my eyes at her and she smirked walking back over to the chair that was in the corner of the room. She picked it up and put it right next to my bed.

She sat down and crossed her legs again, "Seems like you have a lot of questions..So let me tell you a little backstory."

I gave her a look to continue, "Growing up your mother was always the golden child. She got everything she wanted, mama and daddy basically praised her. I was the daughter they didn't want, I always used to get into shit but that's what you do when your parents don't show you enough attention. So you make them pay attention to you."She shrugged.

"Anyways one day me and your mother ended up meeting your father and your Uncle Adonis. Let me tell you it was something about Adonis that just melted every girl heart, he got with me but I know he always wanted Janise. One night I caught them fucking in my fucking bed! That was the day I lost my mind...I beat her ass and then I beat his ass, Adonis begged for me back and like a dumbass I went back to him. I just couldn't resist him, and neither could Janise. Then couple month's later she ends up pregnant, coming to me talking about she doesn't know if Adonis is the father or not. I told her to abort you, but obviously she didn't."She told me and I scoffed and didn't say anything, I let her continue.

"Adonis swore up and down that you weren't his kid and he didn't want anything to do with your mother, but my thing is if he was so over her why the fuck did I catch them bitches again! They don't know that though..I ended up snapping a picture of them and I took it to your father. I didn't think he was going to leave without saying anything, thought he was going to fight his brother."She shrugged, "..But nah he left, and I didn't blame him. So I did too, I wanted to wash my hands with both of them."

"So why you back?"I furrowed a brow at her, and she smirked sitting back in the seat.

"That's what your about to help me with. I want the business, and I know Adonis greedy ass isn't just going to give it to me. He trusts you, I need you to convince him to give it to me."She said looking straight into my eyes, "Well that's when you get better. Sorry about you getting shot, right when you were proposing to that pretty girl."She smirked.

"Bitch is you stuck on fucking stupid?"I snapped at her, "You think I'm about to help you out, after you got me shot at!"

"Will you shut the hell up."She shushed me, "I didn't get you shot at, the streets talk you idiot."

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