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To be continued..

"Kennedy! Kennedy!"I heard Kyrie yell in the distance.

"Help me please!"I cried out.

I saw him running over to me, with his gun tucked in his waistband.

"I tried to get them, but they drove off to fa-"He stopped what he was saying, as he saw King laying there.

"Kyrie.."I trailed off, with tears coming down my eyes.

"Fuck.."He trailed off, getting on the ground and picking King up, "Let's go..Now!"He yelled, and I stumbled off of the ground and followed him.

I kicked the heels off, and ran back to the limo with Kyrie.

I got in, and Kyrie laid him on my lap.

Tears ran down my face as I looked down at him.

His eyes flicked open, and he looked at me with low eyes, "Kennedy.."He coughed out, as blood continued to come out.

"Shh, don't speak just hold on we're almost at the hospital."I told him, running my fingers through his curls.

"I love you.."He trailed off, before closing his eyes.

"King? No King open your eyes.. you have to stay with me."I croacked out, "Please wake up."Hot tears ran down my face, as I desperately tried to cover up his wounds.

We pulled up to the hospital, and Kyrie ran over and got King out of the car.

"Aye, he been shot! We need some help!"Kyrie yelled out, busting into the emergency room.

A bunch of nurses rushed out, and put King on the stretcher. Me and Kyrie tried to follow them, but one nurse pushed us back.

"I'm sorry, but you guys can't go back there."

"What? No I have to, that's my boyfriend!"I yelled out.

"I know ma'am and I'm sorry, but no one is allowed back there.

"Just c'mon Ken.."Kyrie grabbed my arm, and pulled me back.

He walked me over to the chairs, and I sat down.

"I'm about to go make some calls, you just stay here."Kyrie ordered, and walked out of the waiting room.

I sat there just looking off, my whole body grew numb as I thought back to what just happened.


"Will you Kennedy Star Jones make me the happiest young nigga ever, and be my wi-"

*Pow pow pow*



"Ken!"Trina shook me out of my trance, and I looked over at her.

"What?"I answered her dryly.

"Did you hear me? I said let's go get you cleaned up."

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