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"Kyrie what are we going to do? There is blood everywhere in the kitchen, and there is no sign of Trina anywhere."

"Dayquan is on his way to get some blood samples so we can at least tell if it's her's and then we can track her."He told me and I nodded.

" can do that?"I looked at him with curiosity.

"With the right technology you can."He shrugged and I nodded plopping down on the couch and I start thinking.

I really hope Trina was okay, yea she could be a brat but she was still my cousin and I loved her. I didn't want her to be dead or anything, plus my auntie let her come with us and it'll kill her to find out she died on our watch. She probably would start digging into it, and soon find out what King does. We didn't need that.

"Look you need to pack your stuff, it's obviously not safe here. So I need you to come back to the crib with me."Kyrie ordered knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Im fi-"I stopped what I was saying when he gave me a cold glare, and I just nodded. I didn't have time for him telling King that I wouldn't go with him, because he would've lost his mind.

I stood up and start walking up the stairs. I walked to our room and start packing some clothes. After I was done I walked back downstairs, and Dayquan was down there taking the samples.

For somebody to act as ignorant and dumb like him, he really was smart when he applied himself. Out of all of them him and King actually goes to college, unlike Kyrie school was never his thing even when he was little.

"Aight I got everything, I'm going to take it to the lab run some things and then we can track her phone or something. It's nowhere in sight, maybe her kidnapper got it."He shrugged and we both nodded.

"Hit me when you find out anything."Kyrie dapped him up and then we left out.

"Here let me get your bag's.."Dayquan grabbed my stuff and I looked at him.

"Why you all of sudden want to be helpful?"I looked up at him and he shrugged winking at me.

"Because I know you'll help me get with Trina once we find her."He winked and I twisted my lips.

"Dayquan Trina wants to be with A-"Kyrie nudged me and shook his head and I stopped myself.

"What?"Dayquan looked down at me.

"Nothing, I'll help you."I gave him a small smile.

He put my bag's in the car and me and Kyrie hopped inside his car. We pulled out of the driveway, and then rode to his house.

Later that night...

After my shower, I lotioned my body down and put on my sleep clothes. I put my wet hair into a neat bun, and as I was about to lay down I heard gun shots go throughout the house.

I immediately jumped up, and ran into Kayden's room. He was nowhere in sight and I start getting worried.

"Nook!"I whispered around the room, and I looked under the bed and he was under there shaking.

"Auntie Ken?"He looked over at me and crawled towards me. I picked him up and held him as he silenty cried.

I walked over and opened his closet door and got inside. I sat there and held a shaking Kayden.

"Go in there and get his son, and if his little sister in here grab her. Their coming with us."I heard a deep voice order, and then I heard a bunch of footsteps walk around.

I heard Kayden's room door open, and I stood frozen trying not to make any noise. Whoever was in here was throwing stuff everywhere, and making a bunch of noise.

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