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"Ahh,"I groaned, holding my aching head.

I sat up in my bed, and looked over at the nightstand. I grabbed the pill bottle, and the bottled water.

I don't even remember what happened last night, everything was just a blur. All I remember is falling asleep.

I downed the pill, and I looked at my phone. I had a bunch of text messages from Autumn, and phone calls. I had some text messages from Vaughn, and a text message from an unknown number that I didn't know.

I decided to text Autumn first.

Autumn:Where are you!
Sent at:11:30 P.M.

Autumn:Kennedy where you at guh? I've been looking everywhere for you
Sent at:11:45 P.M.

Sent at:12:00 A.M.

Kennedy:Sorry, I ended up going back to King's place. I'm fine boo. ☺️
Today at: 10:00 A.M.

Autumn:Okay good.
Today at:10:05 A.M.

I put my phone down, and went into the bathroom. I did my hygiene things, and then I walked downstairs.

"Hey,"King smiled, as I walked into the kitchen to grab something to drink.

"Hey,"I looked at him strange, "Why are you so happy?"

"Nun, I knew you missed me though,"He smirked over at me, and I made a face at him.

"What?"I opened the orange juice, and start pouring it into my cup.

"You don't remember anything you was saying last night?"He furrowed his brows at me, and I shook my head slowly, "Oh well you were telling me how much you were inlove with me,"He smiled, and my mouth gaped open.

"Nuh uh, your lying. I for real was saying that?"

"No,"He laughed, "...But I know you still got feelings for me."

"Don't flatter yourself,"I closed the orange juice, and put it back into the refrigerator.

"Oh, so you don't miss me?"He grinned, and walked over to me, "Say that to my face then," He walked up behind me, and I tensed up.

I turned around, and he was directly in my face.

"I do miss you,"I pushed him back, "But I'm not rushing nothing with you,"I told him honestly.

"Well let's just start back how we were before things got messed up,"He shrugged.

I nodded, "Fine, but no funny business. Leave your lips to yourself,"I pointed my finger at him.

He chuckled, and quickly reached in and pecked my lips, "Now tell me that again,"He pushed me up on the counter, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I just blushed, and shook my head, "Fine you don't have to keep your lips to yourself,"I smiled, and he cuffed my face and pulled me into his.

He pulled away and smirked at me, "What you plan on doing today?"

"I don't know,"I shrugged, "I need my nails done though,"I looked at my chipped nail.

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