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I'm Kennedy Jones...I'm your average straight "A" seventeen year old. I'm basically what you call a "goodie tissues." I just stay to myself and keep myself out of the mix. I have one friend and that's it. He's been by my side through everything and I couldn't be more grateful. His name was Coby and he played basketball,but we were much alike as well.

I have a very petite body, I wasn't too skinny but I also didn't have a Instagram body either. I had long brownish blackish hair that stopped right in the middle of my back, I was about 5'2. Yes I know I'm short, but oh well. My mom was short as well. People say I was a spitting imagine of my mother,and they weren't wrong. We basically looked like twins.

I currently live in Queens, New York with my older brother Kyrie who is now twenty and my little three year old nephew Kayden. We both lost our parents when I was fourteen and Kyrie was seventeen, they both were in a fatal car accident.

Kyrie never really like to talk about them, but after our parents died Kyrie started dealing drugs to keep me and my nephew fed. I wish he would get a better job,but I know this the only one that brings in fast money.

His job doesn't have us living in a big mansion,but it's just enough to have us food in our stomachs, and a place to lay our heads at night.


"Kennedy get up. Time for school."Kyrie announced barging into my room.

I groaned to myself and rolled back over.

"Girl I'm not playing."He came back in and threw a pillow at me.

"Okay okay Kyrie I'm up."I mumbled wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

I dragged myself out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I did my morning routine and now I was searching through my closet for an outfit.

I decided to just put on my blue Pink jacket with some ripped black jeans and my hightop black and white vans.

I put my hair into a neat ponytail and I grabbed everything I needed and headed into the living room.

"About time, you be taking forever."Kyrie complained and I just rolled my eyes.

I plugged my headphones in and just tuned Kyrie out the whole ride to Kayden's school.

"Did you hear me?"Kyrie asked snatching one of my earplugs out.


"I can't give you a ride today. So I need you to pick Kayden up today after school."He told me and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay Kyrie."I put my headphone back in my ear and continued to listen to my music.

I hate when I have to walk home, We lived deep in the projects and sometimes Kayden doesn't like to walk and I would have to carry him until we got home.

We pulled up to my high school and I quickly got out of his car. He was so embarrassing, He had his music blasting throughout the parking lot.

I swear my brother acts like he has no home training, we definitely are two different people.

As I was walking on campus people were staring at me weirdly. I hated that, I don't like being the center of attention. It made me feel so weird.

I was in my zone listening to my music when I was suddenly sweeped off of my feet. I snatched my headphones out and looked behind me.

"Coby put me down."I chuckled trying to get out of his strong grip.

"Hey girl."He smiled putting me on the ground.

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