𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬, 𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 [ᴊᴊᴋ ᴘᴏᴠ]

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Drunk words are sober thoughts. They're the sole reason I'm running past the concerned people, only a hoodie guarding me from the cold winter breeze.

I was fired from my job, one that I had worked endlessly to reach. It was my dream. The company found someone better to replace me, a professional girl from New York. Like everyone else, I make mistakes. I got drunk out of my mind. I hate alcohol, it was one of the things I hated the most- I don't know why I did it. Guess I just wanted to forget. I needed a break from my messed-up reality. As expected, I don't remember much, but there are things that I regret doing, calling my roommate to pick me up.

"Just leave me alone, gosh. I can't keep falling for you," I whispered under my breath, not knowing he heard what I was saying. Also failing to notice the way his eyes widened ever so slightly, and his grip on my arms getting stronger. Only when he whispered the words to himself again, I noticed, had I been too loud? I broke myself from his hold, embarrassed and scared, ran up to my room and locked the door. Ignoring his footsteps, and the soft knocks on the door. He wasn't supposed to know of my love for him. Taehyung is an amazing person, caring, loving, and stunning. Not only did he have looks that could kill, but he also had the most perfect personality. One of the reasons he was the first person I called is because I know I can trust him with my whole life, the 21 years of friendship proving me right. (A/N: Taehyung is only 1 year older than Jungkook. 21 & 22.)

Other than that, I don't remember anything. Just falling asleep with the rhythmic sound of music filling my ears. The pounding in my head was unbearable. I just wanted to fall back asleep, but the thoughts circling my head wouldn't let me. He knew, he knew, he knew. And there was nothing else that I could do about it, no way to turn back in time and fix my mistakes- or was it a mistake?

"You're so stupid, why in the world would you blurt something out like that? He hates you now, no doubt," I can face him, and his annoyingly handsome face. I can do it. I can do it. I can do it.

Throwing on the first hoodie I saw, and a pair of sweats, I opened my door silently. Rather creepily, I walked to the kitchen and started making myself some coffee. Being my distracted self, I didn't notice when the beautilful male walked into the kitchen and was watching me silently, until I turned around and dropped my mug on the floor, my stomach dropping with it. The uneven pieces of glass scattered all over the floor. Hearing a small gasp, and the pair of shining eyes that made the star jealous locking with my own, my fight or flight kicking in. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. With those words being chanted in my head, I walked to the door, put on a random pair of shoes and ran.

After around 10 minutes of running, and the constant stares of people, my limbs started to ache, so walking was enough. I entered a small cafe, "Epiphany," apparently new since this is the first time I had seen it. As I entered, I was met with the delicious smell of doughnuts, hot chocolate, and coffee. The place was decorated in different shades of pink, beautiful. The colour was not obnoxiously spread out everywhere, but it was decorated nicely and brought a sense of comfort. I sat down, still taking in my beautiful surroundings. The menu is just as cool. It was easy to decide what I wanted, a coffee, considering mine was splattered on my kitchen floor. One of the workers approached me with a beautiful smile, his name tag read Seokjin. His features are amazing, handsome. His smile was warm, reminding me of a parent figure, like a father I never had.

"Hello, what can I get you today?" Seokjin, who appeared to be the owner, asked me with that same warm smile he walked to my table with.

"Good afternoon, can I please get a coffee? Black." I asked, returning the smile, letting my bunny teeth peek.

I waited for a small amount of time, and the caffeine eased my pain a little bit. I just sat there, drinking the coffee and staring at the seat in front of mine. As if looking at it hard enough, someone would appear to join me on this lonely day. But someone did. A person who I would have loved to see every other day, but not right now. I'm not ready for our friendship to end, he's too valuable for me to lose just like that. I don't dare to look up to him. I didn't want his eyes to put me in a trance right now, I needed to be ready to defend myself or at least try to glue back what was broken.

"Jungkook, did you mean it?" He asked, his voice so fragile, so small that if the restaurant was a little more full, I wouldn't have been able to hear it.

"I know I meant it, with all my heart. But, our friendship is more important than that," I told myself. But apparently, I had taken too long since Taehyung asked the same question again.

"I need to know if you meant it or not. Please, just tell me," He whispered once again, there was a crack in his deep voice. Showing the pain he was feeling, how vulnerable he was.

"Tae, drunk words are sober thoughts. How do you expect me to not fall for you? It just hurts that you won't be there to catch me. But that's okay. I just don't wanna lose you," I whispered, not giving myself the chance to lie to him. It's not like I could anyway. His gaze was enough to make me surrender, one of the things he knows about me since we were kids. I could never lie to Kim Taehyung.

"You're so stupid, I'm already down there waiting for you," Taehyung exclaimed, his breathtaking boxy smile breaking out on his face.

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