Chapter 6

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// What James posted yesterday on Snapchat was the death of me guys R.I.P Jessica //




Jesse's POV

I woke up, and saw that Anne was snuggled up against me. Ew, how disgusting.

"Anne, get your drooly self, off of me!" I yelled in her ear, causing her to jump back.

"James, stop!" She yelled, and I sat in her bed, staring at her confusingly as she just realized what she had just said. "I mean Jesse." She quickly corrected, showing a cheesy smile after.

"You are full of sexually, mysterious shit, aren't you Anne?" I said, making her push me off the bed. "That hurt, you little bitch!" I yelled, laughing at the same time. I grabbed her by her waist, and picked her up, and slammed her onto her bed.

"That didn't hurt one bit!" She said whilst laughing.

"I didn't intend it to, you dumbass." I told her, smiling. "Well, I've been wanting to talk to you."

"About what?" She curiously asked.

"I know where you were last night." I said in the most perverted voice I can make. She looked at me confusingly, then laughed. She suddenly stopped, when she noticed that I wasn't laughing along with her. I was actually serious for once.

"W-What are you talking about?" She stuttered, as I rolled my eyes. Annelise was never really a good liar. She always seemed to stutter at everything.

"Oh, cut the act, Anne. I know you were spying on James last night. " I stated simply, as she opened her mouth wide.

"Jesse, you were probably dreaming or something." She said, as she slapped me on the back.

"Oh really? Then who was that girl who was crouching down, looking through the peephole, last night?" I asked, but it came out more like a statement.

"Alright, fine. That was me. But I wasn't technically spying." She confessed, motioning quotation marks as she said 'spying'.

"Anne, I care about you a lot. Like you don't even know. You should give up on him. I can see in his eyes that he's hopeless." I said, speaking the damn truth. "And I'm telling you this because I love you." I ushered, when I saw her narrow her eyes at me. I shot her a big smile, and I saw her sigh.

"I know, Jess. Its just that, I don't even know. He makes me feel something I've never experienced in my life." She said, and I nodded understandingly.

"Exactly how I feel with Chris." I said, while shaking my head, sighing. I saw Anne crack a smile, which made me feel a little better. My stomach then grumbled, being followed by Anne's hysterical laugh.

"I'm going to go make breakfast." She smiled, going to her wardrobe, and grabbing a white plain tank top, with a baby pink cardigan. To be honest, I love Anne's choice of clothes.

"Jess? Turn around." She said, and I scrunched my face at her.

"So what? I already saw your body yesterday." I said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. She then gasped, and threw her book at me. "Ooo, After by Anna Todd. I've always wanted to read this, thanks Anne." I said, causing her to walk towards me, and rip the book from my grasp.

Anne entered the bathroom, and came out with her outfit, leaving her pajama shorts on.

"Your shorts are too die for." I said, and she smiled at me, leaving the room. Rude.

I decided to not care at all today, so I walked out shirtless, showing off my sexy body.

"Jess, you don't have a sexy body. You have the same exact body as my nephew!" Anne yelled from the kitchen, and I decided to get her back for that.

I quietly entered the kitchen, seeing the perfect breakfast ingredients sprawled out on the counter. Well somebody works fast. I walked over by the pancake mix, and grabbed a handful in my hand, sneaking up behind Anne.

"Oh, Annie."

"Jesse, I told you to never call me-" Anne was cut off when I threw the pancake mix on her face, causing her to shut her eyes and mouth tightly. She used her two fingers to wipe off the mix from her eyes, and eyeing me evilly after.

"You're gonna pay." She said, turning around.

"Oh, please. You wouldn't hurt a-" She cut me off, by throwing powdered sugar on my face.

"Flour fight!" I yelled, causing her to scream, and run towards all of her ingredients, specifically picking out the flour. I went to the other side, and grabbed the cinnamon, causing her to gasp.

"No, that's not permitted!" She yelled, as I shook my head. I tossed all of the cinnamon at her face, making her gag and cough. I laughed really hard, which was one of the biggest mistake of my life. While my mouth was wide open, she thought it was a perfect time to throw the flour.

The nasty, dry white powder made me cough really hard, making it impossible to breathe.

"You little slut!" I yelled at her, trying to wipe off the flour off my tongue.

"You bitch!" She yelled back, as I saw specks of cinnamon in her eyes. That must burn, I feel bad for her. Not. As both of us were too busy yelling at each other, we suddenly stopped when we both felt a warm liquid in our hair.

We turned around and saw Tom and Chris with eggs in their hands. Those little-

"Pricks!" Anne yelled, picking up a whole egg carton, which caused everybody to react.

Oh no.


I like throwing stuff vv much.

How are you guisssse? Are you guys FOURtastic? No? Sorry.

Well, I am so bored at the moment, sorry, sorry.

Please vote, comment, & fannn. Especially comment ty vv much :* and Vote for Stereo Kicks too (;

Question of the day:
• "Who is your favorite Stereo Kicks member?"

Well, I love all of them to death. But if I had to choose one, it would be James, obviously. *flips hair*

ily guise ♡

- Jessica

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