Chapter 15

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// Harry & James ♡ //




Annelise's POV

I fluttered my eyes open, to see white cream walls, sophisticated paintings, and the nose pinching smell of hand sanitizer. My head was pounding, and I had no idea where I was, but the sound of moniters beeping gave it away. I'm in a hospital, if you haven't noticed.

"Hey bud, you alright?" Mark said, coming in through the patterned curtains.

"Oh please, like you would care." I said, still mad at him for what happened earlier. How childish of him- both of them, actually.

"Cmom Anne. Don't be mad. It's not good to hold grudges." He said, as he put his hand over mine. "And by the way, I don't even know what you see in that guy. He's hideous."

"No he's not. And if he was, I would probably still like him. Everything isn't always about looks, you know." I said, staring directly at Mark. "I don't even know why I'm talking to you about this stuff, anyways. You don't know anything about relationships." I said, crossing my arms, as Mark shot me a smug smile. "Oh my god. You have a girlfriend, don't you?"

"Maybe, maybe not." He said, trying to get on my nerves. Mark knows that this'll annoy me, since I used to always try to hook him up with someone. Cause look at him. He isn't exactly ugly.

"You know what, I'm not going to even bother. I'm still mad at all of you. I don't want to even look at you guys." I said, as Mark's eyes brightened. I frowned at him, when he smiled really wide, because I don't understand why he would be so happy of me being mad at him.

"This is great. I've done you a big favor then, sis." He said, as he patted my knee.

"What kind of favor?" I asked, curious of what he was going to say. Did he get me a massage chair?

"You're not going to believe it." He said, whilst standing up. "I kicked the guys out. They're leaving tonight!" Mark yelled, smiling the biggest smile I've ever seen, as my jaw dropped.

"Get out." I said, as my vision was starting to blur up. "Get out!" I yelled the loudest I can. Mark flinched and quickly nodded, leaving the room.

"Nurse!" I yelled, happy when I saw the nurse rush in.

"Is there something wrong, Miss?"

"I need to leave. This is an emergency!" I yelled at her, which only made her laugh.

"Yeah, and I want to kill my manager." She said, clapping her hands together. "Sweetie, you can't leave. That's against-"

"I don't care if it's against anything or not!" I yelled, and I saw her frown. "I'm leaving if you guys like it or not." I said, moaning in pain when I pulled the needles out of my right arm.

"Doctor!" The nurse yelled, trying to get attention, as I put on my shoes. The doctor rushed in, and held me onto the bed, as I was struggling to get out of his grasp.

"Let me go!" I yelled, as I bit him on his shoulder. The doctor whispered something to the nurse, as I was here trying to read his lips, but failing miserably. The nurse gave the doctor a shot, and as he reached for my arm, I kicked square on his manhood.

When he fell to the ground, I got up, and ran towards my belongings, and picked it up, and took it with me.

"Anne, what're you doing?" Mark yelled, chasing me.

"Something that I should have done a long time ago!" I yelled, laughing when I reached the exit. I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline, and ran faster towards my car. I searched my bag for my keys in my purse, and squealed when I found it. I pressed the automatic unlock button, and jumped in the air when the car light blinked.

I entered my car, and immediately started the engine when I saw some security guards, including Mark ran out of the hospital. I pressed the gas pedal, and went straight forwards.

"This is for you Mark!" I yelled when I passed by him, sticking the middle finger. When I got to the end of the road, the street light turned red, and I groaned when I saw Marks car behind me. I prayed silently, and ran through the red light, and whopped when I made it. Maybe it was fate.

I felt extremely nervous when I pulled into the driveway, but I'm going to take these once in a lifetime chances.

I ran towards the front door, and it suddenly opened, revealing Tom with a suitcase on his left hand side.

"Anne, aren't you supposed to-"

"No time to talk, sorry!" I yelled, rushing up the stairs, as I saw Mark's car pull in. I felt like crying when I saw James standing by the balcony.

"James?!" I yelled, running towards him, and I saw him stare confusingly at me.

"Gosh, I'm hallucinating." James said, as he rubbed his temple.

"Yeah, well can hallucinations do this to you." I said, as I crashed my lips onto his.


This story is growing rapidly, thanks so much everybody ♥


ily and don't forget it (that's why I always say it in every chapter.) ♡

- Jessica xx

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