ceilings are hard to see in the dark, but so are lifes problems

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I'm just starring at my ceiling
It has no color
It's so dark in my room
But I'd rather not turn on a light

I smell smoke in my room
I looked it up
It may be a spirt if some sort
Or just my smell may be weird

Most poetry rhymes to some degree
But that takes a lot of time
And honestly I just too lazy
To do anything but stare

To me most poetry is cliche
When you rhyme it sounds stupid
Less serious in many ways
Never giving the statement I wish

Sometimes I wish to be a different person
So many around me I think have it better
But I need to remember everyone had problems
Everyone goes through shit of their own

Life's just weird
It sucks, but I hate saying that
I sound like every basic teen
And yet again I'm pushed into a box

Yesterday all my problems seemed so far away
Yes I just quoted a Beatles song
And no I don't care what you think
It just feels right to think of right now

Music speaks to me and others
I love it so much
Honestly I love art in general
Which includes writing

Like I said shit happens to all of us
That's why a lot of us go to art
That why I go to poetry
That's why I decide to write

And that's why I stare at the ceiling
On this January morning
Or shall I say night
Whatever I'm going back to sleep

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