
16 1 0

In a blink of an eye
My world is gone
Long is the place I loved
Now a pile of dust
Rotting on the ground
Full of rust
Away is the happiness
That once filled this place
Now it's just a blank space
An echo in the mirror
And a shadow in a light
a place of delight
Consumed by a nightmare
The nightmare that's stays
That violently plays
Changing my world
A piece at a time
Stripping my childhood
A memory at a time
My world so full of joy
Now a empty void
As reality swings
It doesn't miss
It hurts to get hit
Your on your own
Stuck on the ground
Taken by a nightmare
That won't calm down
That shakes till you fall
Till you crumble and break
And you make many mistakes
That worsen it all
It makes you quietly suffer
And slowly bleed
Wanting you to just leave
Leave it all behind
And move on on and away
Toward the insufferable pain
But I won't budge, I will stay
I won't leave the past quite yet
I need to say goodbye
And face these terrible lies
So I say my goodbyes
Full of happiness and good times
And head towards the nightmare
The shines more each day
That holds my pain inside
Reality cuts and swings
Never missing a beat
Though it hurts like I knife
I don't honestly care
you see all I want is my life
To have and to share

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