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'are you okay?' ═════════
irl ! ↴
Tom Holland was borderline sober, he had called an Uber to drive him to the address Ariana Grande had given him.
He hadn't had a car to drive himself there anyways, but if he did he was experienced enough by now not to drive drunk. Also, it was raining so...he wouldn't have walked.
"Thanks, mate," Tom tipped the driver as he climbed out the car in front of the huge apartment building that he had been directed to.
He threw on sunglasses as he noticed the flashing lights of paparazzi cameras in front of the entrance.
"Tom Holland, are you dating Ariana Grande?" One fellow asked.
"Why are you wearing sunglasses?" Another questioned.
"Because of you people and the lights hurt my eyes," he thought to himself.
"Tom! Tom!" The people pestered him as he walked through into the building.
He looked around at the room and was glad he wore sunglasses as the lights were extremely bright.
He walked up to the elevator and pressed the floor Ariana had told him too.
He knocked on the door and waited for a few moments before she opened the door to him.
"Hey, Holland," She smiled as she let him in.
"Hi, Grande," He said, looking around her huge apartment.
It was clearly expensive. There were an infinite amount of windows overlooking the bustling city of New York.
"Wow," Tom said, "This is fucking incredible."
"Well, that's what you get when your rich."
Tom let out a small laugh, they both stood in a few moments of awkward silence when they noticed it was a few seconds slow.
"Here," Tom took off the leather jacket he was wearing before he pulled off the jumper of hers that he wore.
"You put it on?" Ariana asked.
"Of course," Tom said, "I wanted to look rich."
"Because the paparazzi flashing picture of you isn't enough," She laughed.
He laughed with her she noticed his cute smile before he hugged his stomach and keeled over, throwing up all over the floor.
"Shit," Ariana went straight to his side, aiding him with a hand on his back, "Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah..." Tom bent over again to throw up some more, "I'm so sorry."
"Don't apologise, it's fine. I'll call someone to clean it up," Ariana stroked his back some more, "Just let it all out."
"I swear this isn't usually how my one night stands go," They both laughed again.
"Come on, let's go to bathroom," Ariana let him around the corner to the downstairs bathroom, "Don't worry, I'll hold your hair back."
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• Ariana Grande and Tom Holland have been spotted together at night in New York City.
• The two stars have recently been engaged in "friendly" conversation on Twitter.
• They presumably started their relationship/friendship after meeting earlier this month.
Ariana Grande and Tom Holland are continuing to make everyone crazy for them together as they were spotted in New York this week.
According to Buzzfeedthe two have met only earlier this month when Tom posted a surprise encounter at restaurant, the Cheesecake Factory.
"Tom and Ariana have only just met but are already quite fond of each other's company," a source has told the outlet.
Rumours of a relationship have already surfaced as they seemed pretty snug during their first photo together.
"I found it," Tom captioned in the Instagram post on the night that reportedly ignited their friendship.
Ariana has previously been linked to comedian Pete Davidson and fellow singer, Mikey Foster. Tom has been linked to Spider-Man: Far From Home co-star, Zendaya.