Big boy with the broad shoulders

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BJ was uncharacteristically silent and to be perfectly honest, it frightened me. I tried summoning him, but it did nothing except cause a few people to look at me like I was crazy.

So while everyone was stretching their extremities or waiting for Present Mic's signal to go ahead, I was fiddling with the hem of my dress and contemplating on whether I should just leave or ask sandy to eat me.

With BJ choosing to not appear like the asshole he is, I have no hope for passing the exam. I mean, I could just summon a different demon, one who BJ and I have helped several times in the past with territorial genocides and taking down the bigger crime lords spread all throughout the seven circles of Hell, but then I'd have to go down there and explain to Apple Daddy (I say daddy in a literal way, not sexual. He's an actual father and pseudo father figure to me) why one of his residents had been summoned to the living realm by an honorary member of his council without his permission.

And that's too much fuckin' work for just a one time summons. I'd rather shave my eyebrows than spend three hours being scolded by the Devil.

I say honorary member because until my time is up in this realm, I can't fully register as a 'special case' resident of Hell even though I practically live there considering how often I visit.


People were obviously giving me strange looks. I mean, these kids were dressed in athletic clothing, prepared for strenuous work to prove they belonged in UA, Japan's top hero school. Ready for whatever challenge this exam would throw at us.

Me on the other hand? I was still wearing a dress and heels, hair frizzed and in my face. I obviously was not taking this seriously. Noisily chewing and popping my gum, I found deep satisfaction in knowing it was obnoxious and most likely very bothersome to the twerps around me.

Most kids couldn't care less about my semi-formal attire, but some looked deeply offended that I couldn't give a rats ass about the expectations this exam had set for us.

I could see little Issac- Isaiah- whatever, in front of me just a few people away.

I smiled and was about to make my way over when I felt my Peter tingle- I mean- a sudden presence approaching, and fast.

"YOU THERE!" A deep, masculine voice bellowed from behind me, causing my ears to almost immediately start ringing.

I screamed and jumped, spooked by the suddenness and volume of his voice. Practically tripping over my own feet trying to turn around, I end up stumbling into a solid figure that belonged to the stern blunette from the previous presentation; he was the one who called the little green bean out and caused me to experience the worst second hand embarrassment of my life.

He caught me by both of my upper arms in a way I thought was to prevent me from stumbling further, but was actually meant to hold me forcefully in place causing my anxiety reach its peak.

"Y-yes?" I squeaked, significantly frightened by this encounter and wishing he would let go.

He didn't. In fact, he actually gripped me tighter. His once firm hold becoming bruising.

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