Shark boy and Depressed bitch

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Promptly after "saving" Ochako, we both decided it would be best to part ways and gain our own points.

Beetlejuice was satisfied with this outcome and had no further issues in completing the exam.

Sandy was sent back to his own plane of existence and BJ reluctantly agreed to act as my very own oversized (yet terribly well balanced) mallet to take out any unfortunate robots that happened to target us.

To be completely honest... it was a lot of fun. For the first time in years I was shrieking with laughter as I swung BJ around like a lunatic, pummeling the faces of heavy machinery like a three year old playing whack-a-mole.

I spun and leapt to and fro like a professional dancer. Wether it was the influence of BJ's demonic aura or just my inner crackhead coming to light, I felt fantastic.

Fourteen robots in, I started to feel a bit winded. My palms were starting to blister from holding the handle so tight, sweat was dripping down my neck and between my PLUS ULTRA flat tiddies causing me to rub at the area in a super pissed off manner.

It was really uncomfy for everyone to witness.

Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one feeling out of sorts. Beetlejuice was becoming increasingly belligerent, now snapping his jaws at anyone within swinging distance.

They would give me highly offended looks, as if I wanted my weapon to bite at them. I then would have to apologize for his rude behavior and explain that I wasn't in control of this asshole's actions.

A few people understood, but most just rolled their eyes and told me to "get ahold of my fucking quirk or go home."

Which, y'know... is kinda fair.

I even saw Mister. I-have-a-superiority-complex a few times. Not gonna lie, he looked really hot. I kinda wanted to sit on his shoulders.

But I also wanted to throw Beetlejuice at him.

We made eye contact a total of 12 times. Each time I would wiggle my brows like I knew something he didn't. He made no effort to pay my antics any mind. Although, he did look slightly perturbed when I winked at him.


I wiped my brow and surveyed the area. Other participants had begun running in our direction.

"Beej, what's going on?" I mumbled to the mallet.

"Fuck if I know sugar tits, looks like they're running away from somethin though" he grumbled. Eloquently put my good man.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the nearest person, which happened to be a sweet shark looking boy with red eyes and shoulder length black hair.

"H-hey!" He cried as I yoinked him backwards in my direction. He turned around with a furrowed brow, but as soon as he made eye contact with me his face relaxed into a kind expression.

"Hey... you're the chick that got yelled at earlier! Why'd ya grab me?" He had an enthusiastic aura to him, harshing my depression aesthetic® with his good vibes.

I tensed at the mention of the earlier misfortune, but forced a smile.

"Ha ha yeah... that's me." I rubbed the back of my neck after letting him go, feeling kind of embarrassed for just grabbing him.

I nodded to the running people "what's the rush?"
Just as he was about to answer, deafening stomping sounds from behind me. His eyes widen, looking at whatever was making the noise with a shocked expression.




"The zero pointer." He bluntly stated. I paled and gripped the mallet tighter, slowly turning around.

He patted my shoulder, "don't worry..."

"Y/N. Y/N Deetz. You can call me by my first name." I stated in a dazed tone, overwhelmed by the sheer size of the robot.

He smiled a sharp toothed grin pointing to himself with his thumb "The name's Kirishima Eijirou."

With a nod of his head in what I assume was determination, he boldly stated "don't worry Y/N, someone as manly as myself will protect you from the zero pointer!"

Awwwwh, he's sweet. Stupid, but sweet.

I gave him a strained smile in response while Beetlejuice roared with laughter.

I really didn't need someone to protect me. Well, someone other than Beetlejuice that is...

Suddenly, a soft cry of exhaustion reached my ears through the raucous laughter and stomping of the Zero Pointer.

It was Ochako.

She was lying on a piece of debris that was far too close to the giant robot, sending me into instant panic mode.

"OCHAKO!" I screamed, and began to race forwards. I knew in the back of my mind I wouldn't make it in time, but it was like I wasn't in control of my actions anymore.

I could hear Kirishima calling after me but couldn't afford to look back.

In what felt like the blink of an eye, I was standing over my collapsed friend.

My mallet was raised, and with a roaring cry of fury, I was swinging Beetlejuice directly into the zero pointers oncoming foot. What happened next was a blur, now seeming more like a fever dream the more I looked back on it.

A green shirtless boy with pretty red zebra stripes punched the zero pointer in the face, then turned purple and floppy, proceeding to fall out of the sky like a deflated balloon only for Ochako to use my body as a ladder just to slap the zebra balloon in the face, making him stop just a few feet before the ground.

She threw up over my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around her, patting her back with a shaky hand of my own whispering soothing words to ease her discomfort.

"AAAAAAND TIME'S UP!" My hunky banana husbando cheered. I instantaneously dropped BJ on the concrete and collapsed into myself, unfortunately dragging Ochako with me.

She didn't even complain, just laying on top of me with a mushroom sigh and defeated laugh.

"That sucked." She mumbled. I nodded wordlessly.

"Stop being so fucking dramatic, you're not the one who had their goddamn face slammed into an army of metal monsters."

Without looking at him I raise my middle finger in the direction of his voice, then promptly passed out.

→ 。゚゚・。・゚゚。𝒪.𝒖𝒕𝒓𝒐 ៹ ɞ
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