Chapter 7

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Xavier's POV

She trudged her way over to the front  door to exit the house. Now I was scared, so We tried to calm her down. It was worse because we knew Mia had been bottling this in. I held her down and Dakota pried the knife out of her hands. She fell on the ground and started crying again. We tried to comfort her the best we could...I rubbed her back and Dakota hugged her and stroked her hair .

In seconds the room became colder and it seemed a presence was with us. I shivered and Mia's face went blank into a stare. She sat up and grabbed her hairband and pulled her thick blonde hair into a pony tail. She pushed her body up onto her feet and took the knife back. She paced and circled  the  room. I glanced over at Dakota who was staring back at me.  

We nodded at each other and grabbed our own weapons to side with her. We needed to find these notes that were not apparently in the woods.The only places it left were the big creepy mansion whom we expected to belong to Slender.  I just hoped the notes were there and we weren't just overlooking  all of the 3 we had yet to find. 

We all spun in a circle back to back...when the most frightening  thing happened, Mia was picked up and taken. I was pretty sure this was the death of Dakota too.

"MIA! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She cried and fell onto the floor boards. I tried to go comfort her but it was like I didn't exist at all. I couldn't keep this in any longer, so I leaned onto her back and sobbed.

"D-Dakota, I'm so so sorry....I just want to die right now..." She sat up and frowned at me. 

She threw her body at me and gave me the biggest hug and said "Xavier....please don't take everything from me, I love you.." 

"Da-Dakota, I love you too!" I closed my eyes and embraced this moment more than I should have for a guy who pretty much lost all of his friends. I helped her up and dusted myself off. There went my glasses again and she took them and slid them back onto my face as she usually did when they happened to slip of of my nose. 

Then she grabbed my hand and ran outside. "We need to go to that mansion wheather we like it or not..." she stated 

I nodded.

Mia's POV

I was probably the most prepared for this to happen, I was obviously Sender's target. Now I could save my friends and my self. I just needed a good plan for this to work.  I knew it all along I needed to play weak and helpless but not overdo it. I also knew perfectly well that he had been watching us this whole time and everything was planned. I was not stupid.

I kicked and shouted but eventually he pricked me with something and I blacked out.  I had dreams during my slumber of us all being back home and going to the mall and playing video games like we used to.  It was good dreams and the whole time they kept asking why I was frowning. This was definitely a lucid dream, I knew they were all fake somehow. 

I woke up lying on a floor to Ryan tapping my face crying thinking I wasn't going to wake up or something. I turned to him


I was truly overjoyed I missed him so much. I kissed him and hugged him and he did the same to me. 

"You've been there for hours just sleeping Mia!' I was really scared, not to mention your heart rate must have been really slow because I could barely feel a pulse." He exclaimed

"I'm sorry...but now I just need to get this out of the way...." I whispered

"What out of the way?" He asked

"Ryan, do me? I've been wondering this for years and have always been to afraid to ask. Now that we might die I thought I might as well ask." I sighed

He looked at me a pursed his lips thinking about what he was going to say.

"Mia, I've had a crush on you since we first met, just to be honest. But...the real question is.." he asked nervously  "Do you like me?" He was sweating now

"Yes! I think I do Ryan, in the past I was more on thinking that I didn't but now I see it and I really do!" I shouted maybe a bit to loudly.

He smiled at me and kissed me. I smiled back at him when he sat back up. In instants just as I got him back I lost him when Slender came up behind me and stabbed me in the back. He must have poisoned it or something because it was like it was burning through my flesh. I quickly through the knife form my pocket over to him before I collapsed.   He caught it and stabbed him while looking away.  He teleported out but not before turning the knife around and stabbing Ryan in his arm.

I felt my brain shutting down and myself dying.  Ryan came next to me while I smiled at him he was weeping while trying to keep it hidden.  The death had stricken my body and I was paralyzed. Before my soul was claimed Ryan did what most people do when they know someone is about to die.

"Mia, please don't leave me! Please!" He sobbed on to my arm.

I saw a light in this dark land for once, I was ready to be taken. "Ryan, I don't want to see you or anyone anymore after this....Promise you'll get the notes, it is the one thing that I wish."

Ryan's POV

In an instant, my love was gone....

Dedicated to a new-er follower Jane :D! Sorry we haven't updated for a while :C

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