Chapter 1

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Xavier's POV

The marks on Mia's back shocked us.... We couldn't believe it... None of us. Mia was ready to go full force while I don't think any of the rest of us wanted to get tangled into it. We just wanted to hide and not be found....ever or at least not by that...thing.

I want to impress Dakota so bad, this could be my chance. I already know Ryan is taking 100% percent advantage to impress Mia but everyone knows he like her. Nobody, at least I don't think, knows I like Dakota.   We were scared... scared of dying but who wouldn't be. 

"Xavier!" Dakota called

I ran up the stairs as fast as I could to see her. 

"What is it?" I asked

"I think we need to go outside..." Mia said

Ryan nodded whilst looking at her.  Dakota looked at her with discouragement.

"I don't want to but she tells me to trust her..." Dakota said looking deep into my eyes

I looked over at her and said

"Dakota, you don't have to do everything Mia says...we could just stay and forget it ever even happened..."

"We can't JUST forget, Xavier! I will have these scars on my back forever, I will NEVER forget!" She yelled

" Mia, why would we go after something we know is going to kill us?" I asked with much sass 

"I don't know Xavier...I just need to.." She said 

I decided to go with her only because of Dakota. I didn't want to be here all by myself.  Mia started coming up with crazy ideas about it being "Slenderman" like from the movie.  I pushed my geeky glasses up to my nose. I didn't want to believe it was Slender but I don't really have any reason for it to be something else. The marks were clearly visable on her back and there was no denying it wasn't our minds with the red fog. The windows could open now but we weren't ready to go outside yet...

Ryan and Mia started making plans out for what we were going to do... Me and Dakota just talked. We were only doing this for our friends. I'm sure if it was up to us we would stay put in the little house. 

"Do you really think it is Slenderman?" asked Dakota

"No. I don't want to do this anyway." I replied

"Me neither but I could never let Mia do it herself...If anything were to happen to her I don't know what I'd do."  Half awake Dakota said

We were all tired. Ready for this all to be over quite frankly. Later on there were more signs that this being whom we didn't know had been around.  Scared as ever we were almost ready. It was almost time for our nightmare to come true. I hugged Dakota and got our stuff ready to go outside.

Ryan's POV

We went to the window....we realized something we hadn't before. The house had moved. I wanted to stay inside so much but I know this is my one chance to win over Mia. Dakota tried to open the door but I pushed her to the side. 

"Hey!" she yelled

I wanted to be the one to open it. Me and Dakota were friends before I even met Mia. I've just never been  attracted to her in that way. Mia was so perfect in my eyes. I wanted to be with her since 7th grade. Everyone teased me, I didn't let it get to me though.

I turned the knob slowly and walked out first. Then came Mia, Then Dakota and  finally a very demotivated Xavier.  Out of all of us, he was the most stubborn one. He thinks nobody knows that he likes Dakota but it is so clear (to me at least) that he did. 

I don't really care though. I mean as long as he stays away from Mia. He is the newest to our group. We met him in 7th grade. We are now in 11th.  Inseparable  since. 

Outside we all noticed the very tall trees.Taller than any trees I've ever seen. It was so dark, the moon was so big but didn't give off any light if you know what I mean. I insisted we split up, of course everyone disagreed.

"Are you crazy Ryan? We don't know this place...I don't think this is even our dimension..." Mia said

"She's right..." Dakota agreed

"Uh huh.." Xavier Whispered

"Then what are we going to do out here that we can't do in there?" I asked

"I don't kn.....I do know!" Mia Said

"You guys just watched the movie long enough to know about the notes, right?" She asked

"Mia, No! You saw the movie long enough to know they all die, right?" Yelled Xavier

"It may be the only thing we can do to get home. Besides what are we supposed to do? Wait around here for us to die?!?" She yelled in reply

"She makes a point." Dakota said

I nodded and Xavier was to stubborn to admit that she was right.

"Good, Now let's go!" she said and we followed her.

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