Chapter One

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"Shed no tears for me, my precious child."

Hot tears rolled down the young face, burning the skin and leaving trails in their wake.

"Do not leave me," the elfling sobbed. "You cannot leave me."

The older elleth took a pained breath, the arrow protruding from her chest shifting slightly with the strained effort. "My time is almost done," she wheezed. "But listen to me, and listen well. You must heed my words."

The dark curls bobbed as the child shook her head stubbornly. "No! No! I will not. You have to stay with me!"

Frail fingers clasped the youngster's smooth ones in a firm grip. "Much rests on your shoulders," she gasped. Blood flowed steadily from the wound. "You must choose your path into the future with care. Do not haste – take the time you have at your disposal and make your decisions wisely."

The child continued to weep.

"A deep, true magic lies within you. It will come to life fully only once you have given your heart, your soul, and your being to your soulmate, and not before. He carries within him the power to ignite your inner magic. Follow your instincts, my child, and greatness will surpass all that is dark." The elleth closed her eyes, exhausted.

The youngster at her side held her breath.

"Promise me," the elleth rasped. "Promise me that you will find your true soulmate. Promise me."

"I promise," she sobbed.

The strength ebbed from the hand holding hers, and the grip weakened.

"NO!" the elfling screamed. "NO!" She leapt to her feet, her head turning in a blind panic. "NO!"

The stable doors crashed open and bounced off the holdings.


Her blurred eyes moved to the form of her father, stood towering in the doorway.

"Come!" he urged, reaching towards her as he closed the distance between them.

"No!" she screamed. "I cannot leave her here!"

"Elu, she is beyond our help," he said as he whisked her up into his arms. "There is nothing more we can do, my child."

She wriggled and screamed as he carried her out into the woodlands, her heart breaking for the dead mother she was being forced to abandon.

Her cries went unheard.


The rustling of the leaves overhead drew ice blue eyes to glance upwards. A gentle breeze toyed with the green canopy, moving the growth subtly. Birds chirped and tweeted merrily as they flitted from tree to tree. Rabbits hopped among the hedges and thick foliage. Squirrels darted up the bark of the trees carrying nuts.

The hooves of the horses thudded quietly onto the forest floor as they trudged through. Leaves crunched under their weight as they passed.

Thranduil closed his eyes briefly as he fought off the familiar pain of a pounding headache. Not usually being prone to headaches, he found that they were beginning to drain him when they made their presence known. On certain mornings he awoke with the same tense, tightening feeling which steadily increased as the day went on. By the time darkness was settling over his lands, the pain was almost intolerable.

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