Chapter Fourteen

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The weeks that followed swept past in a whirlwind.

Thranduil arranged for rooms for Elu, which were right next to his. She smiled when she realised how close they would be. Her smile soon faded as she spent each night yearning for the elf asleep through the walls from her. When she slept, endless dreams of him tormented her, and she awoke each morning feeling drained.

Likewise, Thranduil was fighting the battle of his life. On the surface, his cool, calm façade remained watertight to anyone observing. Underneath, his blood simmered with the need to take her in his arms and make her his in every way possible. She passed him in the hallways and he noticed how her dress hugged her waist, making him want to put his hands on her and lift her from the floor to kiss her.

He noticed her bare feet as she padded around, and wanted to lift those feet onto his knees and massage them.

He noticed the sway of her hair against her lower back as she walked, and wanted to run his hands through it as she moaned with pleasure.

He noticed how her full breasts pushed against the fabric of her clothing, and his hands burned at the thought of caressing the soft flesh.

But his face never changed. His thoughts never showed. No-one had any idea of the lascivious images he had, or the burning need to bury himself deep inside her. Many times a day he mentally thanked the gods for the invention of long, loose robes as he fidgeted in discomfort.

Elu also noticed things.

His strong, confident stance as he made guards and Lords tremble before him without even uttering a word.

The arrogant walk as he went wherever he was going, his long strides full of purpose.

His large hands as he lifted his wine glass, making her wonder what pleasures those hands could bring.

His full mouth as he spoke, making her think of that soft mouth on her skin, wandering over her body, demanding and yet loving.

His long hair that flowed down his back, making her think of what it would be like to tangle her hands in it in the height of passion.

His ice blue eyes, making her imagine gazing into them as they made love.

More often than not, she had a deep ache that just wouldn't be settled. And it was entirely the King's fault.

When alone, they kissed. They cuddled. They touched each other fondly. But she was burning for more, her body almost crying out with need for him. Her thoughts were dominated by images of him possessing her, taking her hard, making her scream. And it was driving her insane.

All she wanted was to feel his hands on her, his mouth kissing and licking her, his hair trailing over her naked flesh. Knowing that he desired her only fuelled her lust even further, making everyday life difficult to master.

Smouldering glances often passed over the heads of others, brief whispers of his hand brushing hers lightly as they passed, and the very faint lift of the corners of his mouth told her that he desired her too, just as much as she did him.

Propriety and standards were as frustrating as hell.


Thranduil grunted in disgust and tossed a pile of documents across the polished desk. "One would be forgiven for assuming that I had nothing else to do with my time," he snapped irritably. "The dwarves seem to think that all I do is read their petty attempts at increasing their trade and sign my name to them. Indeed I do not, and certainly not in this instance."

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