Chapter Twelve

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Days passed.

Elu remained in the healing room that Thranduil had chosen for her, and spent several periods of her time alone as she lost herself in her thoughts and memories. Legolas visited her once or twice, as did Assana. Neither of them knew what to say to her, both knowing that she was lost in a deep well of grief that could only lift through time.

Thranduil spent the most time with her.

Sometimes he didn't speak. He simply sat at her side reading, or going through official documents that required his attention. He watched her as she slept. He changed her wound dressing. He made sure she ate, his persistence being stronger than her preference not to eat. His dominant nature shone through as she turned her head away when he offered her food; he simply turned her head back to face him and placed the food in her mouth.

"I would think that you are strong enough to accompany me for a short walk," he announced after several days.

She raised her eyes to him. He was standing over at the large window with his hands clasped at his back. His silver-grey cloak draped over strong, broad shoulders and fell to the floor in sweeping folds at his heels. Long blonde hair settled smoothly against his back, with not a ripple or a knot in sight. She wondered how long he spent brushing it to keep it in such lustrous condition. The natural light coming in through the window radiated a soft shine from his hair.

He turned to her, his ice blue eyes narrowing at her silence. "Your lack of speech of late concerns me," he said as he walked slowly towards her. "I fear that you are locking yourself into a self-imposed prison of silence as you grieve. It is neither a wise, nor a healthy thing to do."

She looked away with a silent sigh. "I do not intend to be rude," she said quietly, after a few moments' silence. "I am merely processing recent events."

"I understand that," he told her. "I too have suffered grief and loss, to the point where I no longer wished to exist. I dare say that if it had not been for my son, then I would not have survived."

She glanced at him, knowing that he'd imparted thoughts that he seldom, if ever, shared with anyone.

"But time, although infinite for us, moves on," he continued. "And we must adjust accordingly. We cannot allow ourselves to remain stagnant in one position forever. We have an intrinsic instinct to gather together what parts of our souls that we have left, and to move forwards. There is no other choice."

Her eyes lowered again as she remained seated on the edge of the bed.

He held a hand out to her. "Come with me," he said. Although spoken with a gentle tone, it wasn't a request.

She reluctantly took his hand and he pulled her to her feet and turned to lift a cloak which lay folded on the chair that he normally occupied during his time with her.

"You may feel the cool air a little as you are still recuperating," he told her as he wrapped it over her shoulders. "But I feel that you are almost at full health once more."

"Thankyou," she murmered, pulling the luxurious fabric tighter around her body.

"You are welcome," he replied as he walked towards the doorway.

She followed.

He walked at her side through the hallways, surprising her. She'd expected him to walk before her. Several pairs of guards passed, each armed soldier bowing in respect as they moved, as did various maids and workers. Thranduil tilted his head in acknowledgement, but said nothing.

Elu kept her head down slightly as she walked, noticing that he deliberately slowed his long strides so that she could keep up. Her eyes followed his polished boots as he strolled along, taking in the detail of the fine stitching and the expensive leather.

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