Chapter Three

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Elu sipped her tea, unaware of the tension mounting around her.

Word had begun to spread amongst the King's staff that he was reluctant to shelter her, and whispers travelled rapidly around as everyone tried to surmise why. Thranduil was known across Middle Earth for his impatience and cold, detached demeanour, but this was a different angle for him. His servants knew he wouldn't throw the elleth out to fend for herself, but they were taken aback at his impatience to have her out of the palace.

And with no reasoning behind his motives, everyone was wondering what was going on.

"Did you sleep well?"

She turned her head and smiled at Ealan. "Yes, I did," she responded. "Although I had some strange dreams which I cannot explain."

"Pray tell," her brother pushed as he helped himself to some warm bread. "What did you dream of?"

Her cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink. "I dreamt of the King," she said quietly, her head lowered. "I dreamt that he sat on the edge of my bed and placed his hand on my head. I remember feeling so peaceful, like nothing in the world mattered."

Unseen to the two elves in conversation, Assana moved away from behind them, having heard the dialect.

"Have you taken a fancy to our King?" Ealan teased.

"Be quiet," she retorted. "No. I have not. It was a strange dream, like I said. I do not know where it came from."

"Perhaps it was a leftover from our conversation last night," he said. "We were talking about him, and you'd had no idea he'd walked past you."

"No, and I still feel bad about that," she sighed. "I never lack manners, Ealan, you know that. To have ignored him and failed to acknowledge him is the biggest insult I can imagine."

He scoffed. "You worry too much," he mumbled through a mouthful of bread. "I am sure he has more important things to think about than you not acknowledging him. Listen to yourself."

She glared at him. "It is considered one of the deepest insults to ignore the King," she hissed. "It is merely a step below treason."

Her brother tipped his head back and roared with laughter. "I pity the poor ellon who attracts your attention, my sister, for he will have his hands full calming your wild thoughts!" he laughed. "If it upsets you so much, you can offer him your apologies the next time you see him. I am sure he will understand; there was a lot going on at the time. And you were unaware of his identity."

"Something which I am deeply ashamed of," she said. "With any luck, I shall perhaps see him at some point this day and make him aware of the error of my ways." Her eyebrows came down in a slight frown as she assessed her sibling. "I assume you will be staying off your feet?"

He sighed. "Alas...yes. The healer has instructed me to leave the healing wing solely for dining purposes, and then to return straight away," he admitted. "She threatened to drag me back if she had to come looking for me."

Elu grinned. "She is concerned only about you injuring yourself further, or slowing down the healing process by charging around," she told him. "You did sustain quite a few deep stab are lucky to be up and about this quickly."

"I am aware," he replied dryly. His lighter blue eyes swept in her direction. "You are lucky beyond belief that you have no internal injuries. Although I must say...that damned orc took a lot of anger out on you."

She shrugged, aware of the bruises that covered the left side of her face, the finger marks around her neck, the bruise on her throat, and the deep purple blemishes that covered her shoulder and upper arm. "My injuries are cosmetic," she answered. "They will heal and leave no lasting damage. You, on the other hand, must rest and take the healer's advice."

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