Chapter Four

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The feast was in full swing.

Thranduil's ice blue gaze swept over those gathered in the Great Hall as he sipped from his glass of wine. The rich red liquid did little to soothe his troubled soul or lift his dark mood.

Elves of both genders laughed, danced, and ate heartily. Most of them were drunk, and his eyes narrowed in distaste as he watched inhibitions disappear altogether under the influence of the free-flowing alcohol. People who would not normally give one another the time of day were dancing closely, flirting with each other, or attempting to discreetly disappear from the festivities. Hands wandered, kisses exchanged, and not-so-subtle looks passed between the genders.

He snorted softly to himself.

His gaze settled on the elleth who was still continuing to be a thorn in his side. She had arrived on the arm of her brother; a likeable soul with the heart of a warrior but sadly lacking the discipline to carry it through.

Her gown was deep blue with a midnight blue velvet bodice, which laced tightly under her bust. The style accentuated her slim waist and flaring hips, and the skirts served only to make her legs look even longer as the fabric caressed them, reaching the floor at her feet. Her hair cascaded down her back like a blue-black waterfall, sweeping past her hips as she moved. Small blue and white flowers had been worked into the braids on the top of her head, leaving the back to flow freely.

As he watched, she tipped her head back and laughed. The sound reached his sharp ears, and he huffed silently as he slammed his wine glass down onto the table. A servant immediately refilled it, then hastily stepped back.

His attention turned towards his son, who was seated with the elleth and her brother, along with the maid who he'd requested would be allowed to accompany him. All four of them were laughing hysterically at something, and appeared to be having a thoroughly enjoyable time.

Thranduil's frame of mind turned even more sour.

He had no wish to know what the source of hilarity was, or what they'd been talking about almost the entire evening, sat huddled closely together. Such trivial nonsense didn't concern him in the slightest.

The burning presence in his soul however, did. He'd noticed that any time the elleth was nearby, his soul almost seemed to ignite in awareness. He didn't even have to see her to know when she was close. No words needed to be exchanged or uttered. He always knew. Several times throughout the days since she and her folks had come to the palace, he'd experienced the strange feeling. It started out as a subtle tingling, growing to a buzzing in his blood, eventually erupting into a full-blown assault on his system. It hadn't taken him long to realise that it always happened whenever she was around, and it infuriated him no end.

He snapped out of his thoughts as his son appeared beside him and claimed the empty seat next to his.

"Father," he said by way of greeting.


"Are the festivities meeting your expectations?" he enquired.

One eyebrow lifted disdainfully as the King took another drink of his wine. "It is a feast, like any other," he replied. "They are very much one and the same after all these years."

The Prince signalled a servant and requested a glass of wine. "I had thought that perhaps you would make the time to speak to Elu," he said.

Ice blue eyes fixed on the younger royal. "And pray tell...who is Elu?"

"The elleth you rescued," he replied, nodding in silent thanks to the servant as a full glass was set before him. "The one who is single-handedly repaying the debt of her people for your rescue."

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