I Can't

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After lunch Michael began to get tired.

"I think I'm going to go lay down for a bit.." Michael said as he struggled to get up.

Mika immediately jumped up to help him.

"Mika! I'm fi.." Michael tried to say, but collapsed to the ground.

"Michael?" Mika said as he tapped Michael's cheek trying to wake him up. "Love, please wake up.."

As Mika finished Michael's eyes shot opened. He began to freak out. He was confused and didn't know what was going on.

"It's okay. Calm down. You passed out," Mika explained to Michael.

Mika and Fitz slowly helped Michael up and guided him to the bedroom. Fitz left Mika to help Michael into bed. He helped Michael undress and tucked him under the sheets.

"Get some rest love," Mika said as he kissed Michael's forehead. Mel jumped on the bed. "Look after him Mel." Mika patted Mel's head and left the room.

"Is he okay?" Ezra asked as Mika entered the living room.

Mika shook his head 'yes.'

"Are you okay?" Paloma asked her brother.

"Yea, just worried," he replied as he laid down on the sectional couch.

Just then Mel began to bark. Mika shot up from the couch and darted into the room.

Michael was having a seizure.

"Good girl Mel! Now get down," Mika demanded as he waited for Michael's seizure to pass.

Five minutes later he stopped. Michael slowly opened his eyes and looked at Mika. Mika starred back forcing a smile, "welcome back love."

"Hmmm..wha...what hh-happ-en-dd?" Michael struggled to get out as he stuttered.

"You had a seizure, but luckily you were sleeping in a cushy bed." Mika answered as he giggled. "I love you."

"I..I..l-uh-vve yyou.." Michael replied as Mika planted his lips on his.

Mika broke their kiss and got up to shut and lock their bedroom door. "Now where were we?" Mika asked with a huge grin on his face as he got on top of Michael.

They were making out for ten minutes before they finally completely undressed.

"Wait..Mika..I can't." Michael said as he pushed Mika off of him.

"Can't what Michael?"

"Have sex. My leg. I can't.."

"I'll do all the work love. You just lay there, relax, and enjoy." Mika smirked as he got back on top of Michael and in between his legs.

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