On the First Flight Home (1)

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quick disclaimer: i am American, but this will primarily take place in London so sorry if i get details wrong or use "American" terms. let's begin!!


    George didn't even bother turning on the lights to his bedroom, he just threw his suitcase down and collapsed onto his bed in exhaustion. It had been a difficult past ten hours of traveling, having to fly about 4,500 miles internationally. The bed sheets were soft and familiar, a comforting feeling after the drastic differences of the United States. George released a content sigh, glad to be back in London. He was home.

Just as his eyes slipped closed, his phone buzzed loudly from his pocket. George groaned and decided to ignore it. All he wanted to do was go to sleep, and it was already past three in the morning. Stubbornly, his phone vibrated again, causing the tired boy to throw the covers off of himself in frustration. He fumbled around for his phone while suppressing a groan.

"What could someone possibly need at this hour?" George whined in annoyance.

The sudden brightness of the phone screen lit up the room, burning his eyes. The messages were sent from an unknown number.


UNKNOWN NUMBER: Hi, I'm sorry I know it's late but I think I took your suitcase by mistake! This was the number on the luggage tag!

UNKNOWN NUMBER: It's crazy our bags look the exact same! We could either meet back at the airport if you want or wait until tomorrow morning so i can give your things back, whatever works :)

"What?" George exhaled in disbelief. He shook his head to try and clear the tiredness. Getting up, he picked up the suitcase to check the tag. He wasn't surprised when he read the name and it wasn't his own.

TEXT TO UNKNOWN NUMBER: Is this Clay by chance? If so then I guess I took yours by mistake as well, sorry! Are you still near the airport because if you are then we can meet there now but if not we can wait until tomorrow

TEXT TO UNKNOWN NUMBER: And yeah our bags really do look similar lol

George couldn't believe he'd grabbed someone else's luggage and hadn't noticed. This day felt never ending.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Haha that's me! I'm about 15 minutes from the airport if you just wanna meet now?

George changed the unknown number display to "Clay" before flopping back down into his covers. At least I'm getting my stuff back, he thought to himself.

TEXT TO CLAY: Sick I'm on my way now. I guess we'll just meet at the front entrance?

CLAY: Sounds like a plan dude see you soon

George finally mustered the strength to get out of his comfortable bed to put his shoes on and order a car. Just as he started down the stairs his phone buzzed with another text from Clay.

CLAY: Oh wait you never told me your name!!

George released a light chuckle as he read the message, shaking his head slightly. Couldn't he have read it on the tag, George wondered. He shrugged the thought off with a little giggle and typed a reply.

TEXT TO CLAY: It's George :) Didn't you see that on the tag silly

Clay: Haha oh yeah I forgot, sorry George

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