Everything to Me (17)

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     The world rushed by in a blur as George stared out the car window, trees and lampposts blurring together. His stomach clenched, knotting together with both nerves and excitement. He tried to calm down by focusing on the quiet sound of his fingers tapping against the worn leather seats.

     "Are you sure you're ready for this?" Violet turned to face him, briefly looking away from the road. Her hands were gripping the wheel tightly, knuckles turning white.

     "It's a bit too late to ask me that now," He nodded his head towards the airport building loomed into view. "We're already here."

     "I know," She frowned. "I'm just worried, I don't want you to get hurt again."

      "Don't worry, I'm fine," He tried to reassure but nervousness coated his words. "Everything's fine."

      "I know," Violet repeated. "Just be careful, okay? Don't let Clay manipulate you again."

      "He wasn't manipulating me!" George groaned. "I already explained it to you, when are you going to forgive him? It'll be fine, I trust him."

      "I don't." She mumbled under her breath, her voice almost inaudible.


       "Nothing, nothing." She sighed wearily, parking near the entrance. "I know Clay didn't mean what he said before, I just want you to be careful while you're there."

       "Everything's going to okay, Vi." George tried to shrug off her concern but an anxious feeling ate at his stomach. He bit his lip, glancing at the building in front of him. "Do you think it'll be weird, seeing him again?"

       "I don't know, George," She said honestly. "But I think he'll be happy to see you. Try not to worry about it too much, okay?"

      He nodded slightly before climbing out of the car.  George opened the back of the car and pulled his suitcase down, running a hand over it gently. A small smile formed on his face, mind wandering to Clay.

     "You better call and tell me what he says, otherwise you can walk home from the airport when you get back."

     George rolled his eyes and held in a laugh. "I will, I promise," He grinned at Violet. "I'll see you in a couple of days."

     With one last wave he turned and walked towards the entrance. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to prepare himself for the hours ahead.

    "Don't be stupid!" She called after him, her lips lifting into a smile.

    "Bye, Violet!" George peered over his shoulder and waved again. He watched as she lowered herself into her car, listening to the roar of the engine as it started up again.

     The inside of the airport was crowded, travelers rushing from place to place. George tugged his suitcase along behind him, the cocktail of anxiousness and anticipation burning his insides. It was as if time was on fast forward as he checked his bag at the front desk, thoughts racing through his brain at high speeds.

      George weaved in between people, pushing against the masses heading in the opposite direction. The terminal was loud, hundreds of voices all mingling together. He focused his attention on the gleaming white floor tiles beneath his feet.

     He couldn't help but remember the last time he'd been at the airport. His heart rate sped up as he recalled the urgent expression on Clay's face when he told George he loved him. Another wave of longing surged, crashing over him and threatening to knock him over.

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