A Light in the Dark (6)

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The smell of coffee wafted through the air from a freshly brewed pot on the counter. All was quiet inside The Beanhouse. Only a couple customers were in, spread out at the different tables. George sat alone in his usual spot with his laptop attempting to work.

Though he had tried, he had been unable to get anything done at home. Every time he looked up, all he could think about were the memories of home. The ones he desperately wanted to forget. Each thought was like a punch to the gut that he was never ready for, even if he knew it was coming. George had hoped the peaceful environment of the café would calm him down but his thoughts were still racing wildly. His mind felt foggy, full of distractions.

     He looked down at his laptop again. The blank screen stared back mercilessly, almost taunting him. Groaning in frustration, George shoved the device away from him.

Violet was watching him out of the corner of her eye, her brow furrowed deeply. "George?" She approached his table. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Just a little tired."

"Rough night?"

"Something like that, I guess."

Worry creased Violet's tan face. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "There's something you're not telling me. What's wrong?"

     George's head shot up violently. "Nothing's wrong," He snapped, turning his attention back to his computer. "I said I'm fine."

     Violet shook her head and sat down across the table from him. "Liar. You know you can talk to me, right?"

     "Shouldn't you be working right now?" George avoided eye contact but he could feel her stare burning holes into his forehead.

     "This is more important. And besides, it's not like we're busy."

     He sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. George cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the lump steadily forming in it. "I don't know what's wrong me," He whispered, risking a glance upwards. He was met with her concerned gaze. "I just can't think straight right now."

     "What are you thinking about?" Violet asked gently, worry evident in her tone.

     "Everything," George answered while burying his face in his hands. "That's the problem. I feel like I can't stop thinking."

     "Is this about Blue?" She used their code word for George's father.

     His whole body tensed up at the mention of his dad. "A little," George's voice was muffled from behind his fingers. "Last night was really hard."

     Violet nodded sympathetically. She reached her hand out and set it on George's arm. "You look like you could use some sleep."

     "Yeah," He hesitated, debating whether or not he should tell Violet about what else was occupying his mind. "There's another thing too."

     She nodded again, gesturing for George to continue speaking. "What is it?"

     "Well," He started, unsure of how to explain his thoughts. "Do you remember the guy I was here with a couple of days ago?"

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